We have exciting news! St. John’s is moving forward with a fundraising feasibility study, which is the next step towards a potential capital campaign. This feasibility phase is an opportunity to hear directly from you as we discern the willingness of our members to support a capital campaign.
You might remember that this summer we finished a listening process, facilitated by our Capital Campaign team, advisors from our Property Committee, Vestry, and our partners in this process from the Vandersall Collective. We worked to connect our values with potential projects. The result of this phase was a very clear report about our those values and priorities. And perhaps most importantly, everyone was provided the opportunity to be heard and as church leadership–we listened.
In the fall of this year, the Capital Campaign team enlisted the help of OPNArchitects to distill all of your helpful feedback and ideas into clear project areas. We are finally ready to share those with all of you!
Feasibility surveys and case statements outlining projects for consideration will be hitting mailboxes and inboxes soon. Please take the time to read, pray, and respond. Watch the recording of our January 5 forum to learn more.
Each member of this faith community has an important voice to be heard, and we want your candid feedback, thoughts, and a sense of your interest in supporting one or more of these projects to completion. As you read, pray, and respond, consider asking yourself not only your own thoughts on these projects, but how they might support the parish and local community. How might these projects enable us to live into who God is calling us into being?
In these projects you will see ideas that facilitate greater functionality of our spaces, enabling us to better serve both our neighbors and the city beyond our doors, and also better serve the vital ministries of our faith community. We hope you will see how these changes connect deeply to our values, ensconced in our Collect for St. John’s, prayed each Sunday as a mission statement of sorts. And, we hope you will find resonance with a vision for a building that is even more welcoming, useful, and supportive of our primary mission as followers of Jesus, to be about reconciliation with God and our neighbors, within ourselves, our faith community, and in the city and world in which we live.
We are so thankful that we have a generous, hopeful, and loving faith community, always eager to support the needs of this church as we seek to form servant leaders and disciples of Jesus who are passionate for his gospel of healing and restoration.
Being stewards of all our resources, including the building we know and love and out of which all our ministries are launched, is a vital part of our life together as a church, and we’re eager to share how we can partner in that work in the year ahead.