Pride and Despair

“Right now, it feels like being queer makes you radioactive: so many people who should be on your side keep their distance from you, while the other side wants to make you into a bomb that will cause as much damage as possible.”

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The 81st General Convention

This summer, the Episcopal Church will gather in Louisville, Kentucky for its 81st General Convention. It’s a significant event, and will have lots of implications for our life as a denomination going forward, so it’s important for us to know more about it!

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The Longing of Our Hearts

“Our deep longing is for the kind of friendships where we feel supported, valued, and seen for who we are—something we rarely experience and that may seem unattainable.”

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Behind the Scenes (Part 1: The Boiler Room)

“You’re probably familiar with St. John’s beautiful worship spaces and gardens, but there are many areas within the church bulding that are seen only by a few. They’re far less beautiful than the magnificent sanctuary—but some have a beauty of their own!”

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The Pastoral Gift of a Well-Prepared Death

“When the day of the funeral arrives, we can all allow ourselves to be fully immersed in the exquisite language and music of the funeral liturgy. A well-planned funeral creates a sacred container for us to be fully liberated from linear time (chronos) so that we can enter fully into God’s time (kairos).”

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Natural Spirituality

“Then the question comes, ‘What do you teach them?’ That is when I get the looks like I am absurd. Because I don’t teach them. They teach me. I grow more spiritually when I experience God through the eyes, ears, and minds of young people.”

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The Holy Gift of Access

“First, a caveat — like any other community, disabled people are not a monolith. Every member has their own relationship to their disabled identity. But it is a fact in my experience that many, many disabled people do not want to get rid of their disability.

If you haven’t heard this fact before, it’s understandable that you might feel resistance to believing it unconditionally. Please realize, as you read this article, that the resistance comes from the messages we’ve heard from our society and its systems of power.”

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