
“So many of you really have your eyes open. Open to the needs of this community and the community beyond our doors. Open to our many blessings. Open to our weaknesses and potential threats. Open to the opportunities and potential we have to further God’s love in our world.”

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News from the Choir in England

“To take our ministry – what we rehearse, practice, offer and sing here at St. John the Evangelist – and transfer that into places like Canterbury and St. Albans Cathedrals is going to be an experience that will sit with all of us for a very long time.”

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Building the Impact of Opportunity Saint Paul

“As a pastor and organizer, I have seen the power of faith communities wrapping their arms around the right thing at the right time; it can absolutely transform a neighborhood. Interfaith Action itself was born from this very dynamic!”

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“Therefore, it is not surprising to me that at the same time I have been unable to breathe freely I have become emotionally and spiritually unmoored. It does feel as though God will not let me get my breath; not just withholding physical nourishment but God’s very spirit within me.”

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Pride and Despair

“Right now, it feels like being queer makes you radioactive: so many people who should be on your side keep their distance from you, while the other side wants to make you into a bomb that will cause as much damage as possible.”

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