Reading the latest newsletter from Interfaith Action, the opening article, What it Means to be Member-driven, really resonated with me. The writer explained that each of IFA’s signature programs shared an important and distinctive feature:
They began as a conversation among our member communities of faith who had their eyes open to the needs right outside their front doors. The origins of these programs represent the collective wisdom of community, of people listening and responding.
When St. John’s leadership team first met with Capital Campaign Consultants, Vandersall Collective, we shared our definitions of success. Top of the list was Everyone is heard. Also in the list was The conversation understands/acknowledges the community around us and Invite the congregation to dream with us. It seems St. John’s shares IFA’s esteem for the collective wisdom of community, of people listening and responding.
I believe King Solomon was also of a like mind:
Where there is no guidance, a nation falls, but in an abundance of counsellors there is safety. – Proverbs 11:14
And so, we embarked on a listening phase that included a leadership retreat, a parish survey, and community interviews. We asked as many as possible the ways they see our building, the care and stewardship of that building, and possible neighborhood projects working to meet the needs of our growing congregation and growing presence in the neighborhood.
The response has been amazing! 17 committed and curious leaders attended the 2 day retreat, 154 individuals participated in the parish survey (a 33% response rate!), and 7 interviews were conducted with community partners or aspirational community partners.
Our leadership team is now reviewing an absolute wealth of information, ideas, and concerns. The full report and letter from the Rector will be sent to members later this week. But, before we get consumed with what all the data means and deciding the next steps, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the power of listening, of including as many voices as possible, and valuing each contribution.
My favorite section in the 200-page report our consultants just presented is Appendix A; a composite of all your survey responses (with no names attached). Reading your actual words it is clear how much love and care there is in this community.
So many of you really have your eyes open. Open to the needs of this community and the community beyond our doors. Open to our many blessings. Open to our weaknesses and potential threats. Open to the opportunities and potential we have to further God’s love in our world. And, you were willing to honestly share your observations!
You also shared your support (thank you—that means so much!), your fears, your dreams, and your advice. It is a privilege to read and be trusted with your personal sentiments. I can’t help but wonder how many of your words were inspired by the Holy Spirit, leading us towards the good works God has prepared for us.
Of course, whenever there are groups of people, there is a great deal of diversity in what we each think and believe. After all, God gave us free will, and we wanted everyone to be heard! Without these tensions we would not be challenged to consider all the options and angles; things that would not have occurred to us without this abundance of counsel. As our consultants told us, this is a sign of vibrancy and growth – something I believe we all want.
Just as IFA’s signature programs began as a conversation among members, I am excited to see what evolves from this listening. Whatever it is, it will always warm my heart to know that it was borne through a multitude of diverse caring voices that had the passion and courage to share their observations and collective wisdom. A truly member-driven endeavor.
Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the sound of many waters and like the sound of mighty thunder-peals, crying out, ‘Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns. – Revelations 19:6
The Rev. Rachel Morey, Director of Opportunity Saint Paul at Interfaith Action, will be our guest preacher and forum presenter on August 8. Come and hear from the leader of a member-driven community partner.