by Chris Tegeler
As the Sexton/Building Manager, I’m taking you on a virtual tour of some of the places you may have never seen at St. John’s. Last time I showed you the basement; today, we will see the top of the building.
This is the view from the Northwest corner of the 1950s part of the building (containing the classrooms, Fireside Room, and Gym). This is the roof that was replaced last year.
This large flat-roof covers the gym.
This York air chiller cools the Sanctuary and clergy offices, as well as the lower level with the CYF center, Library, and Music Room. (The 1950s part of the building uses window air conditioners.) I was recently told by an HVAC technician that this is a top-of-the-line unit and whoever chose it for our church knew what they were doing. It looks a little beat up but it is actually in pretty good shape overall. Even though it is a great unit it is a bit undersized and can sometimes struggle to keep up with our needs.
Above the classrooms of the 1950s building there is a large attic. This is one of my favorite unseen spaces. It has no lighting or floors but is very well insulated. It houses a large exhaust for the gym kitchen and wiring and some duct work run throughout. The pictures don’t do it justice but it has what I think is a very pretty ceiling. It is accessed by a hatch near the classrooms.
Thank you for coming on this “tour” with me! I look forward to sharing more of our hidden spaces in future articles.