ECMN Stories: Faith Community Nurse Ministry
“The more ‘daylight’ I can shed on this role, the more I anticipate it will take root and flourish throughout ECMN.”
“The more ‘daylight’ I can shed on this role, the more I anticipate it will take root and flourish throughout ECMN.”
“The remainder of the scriptures from Exodus all the way to the end of Revelation is essentially wrestling with the question of: how can we best be an alternative society that in the midst of a world that’s governed by the economics of Pharaoh, we embody God’s liberating economics of love?”
“We trusted each other with our stories and they taught me what it meant to be authentic and vulnerable. It’s very difficult to pretend you have it all together when you’re carrying everything you own on your back.”
“And things will get done not only by you, but by other people who need what it is that you want to do in your heart.”
“Chris Lilley shares the story of how he has experienced and sought to follow Jesus in his life and ministry.”
“Sally and Di helped participants think about how to engage their context more fully, and to discern how they might share the Gospel of Jesus with neighbors in new, simple, and organic ways.”
“There is no question our long term future will look very different from our recent past. This is only a bad thing if you believe the point of the church is to succeed as an institution at the center of power and influence rather than on the margins.”
“The future at St. Peter’s is fluid and unknown. It is not, however, a future filled with anxiety or fear.”
“Some prayers have been answered almost immediately and we give thanks for that. Other issues such as family members with cancer are on the list as long as necessary.”
“Many people in the laundromat are glad to be able to share their burdens and hopes with another human being.”