What's Happening
The Dream Songs Project
Sunday, February 23 at 2:30pm, featuring mezzo-soprano Alyssa Anderson and guitarist Joseph Spoelstra.
Celebration of Absalom Jones
Saturday, February 15 at 2pm at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church.
Connection Dinners
Sign up to host or be a guest, and connect with other St John’s members over a simple dinner together.
New Faith Forum Series
“The Spirituality of Liberation” – Sundays at 9am beginning January 12.
Pups ‘n’ Cups
Love dogs? Help host Pups ‘n’ Cups, Wednesdays at 5pm in the Kent Street Lobby.
Coffee Hour Volunteers
Sign up to offer hospitality to your fellow parishioners by bringing coffee hour treats on an upcoming Sunday morning.
Check out the latest:
Weekly E-newsletter
"E-vangelist" Article
Recent Sermons
Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini
by the Rev. Jeckonia Okoth
I wonder what was going in the mind of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini when she arrived in New York on March 31, 1889, accompanied by six other religious sisters. Did she see herself as an outsider coming in or as an insider coming home away from home? Let us fast-forward this: suppose someone from the Congo, or Libya or Sudan came in and wanted to start a religious order; what would be the response, and what kind of people would we see in that order?
Jonathan Myrick Daniels: My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord
“I wonder where we would have been in the Selma 1965 story? Would we have been among those beaten, hosed, and jailed? Would we have been actively registering voters and been present, even living with those struggling for dignity and equality? Would we have been Jonathan Myrick Daniels, willing to confront evil and hatred at the end of a shotgun?”
Receiving then Becoming God’s Sustenance Between Mountaintops and Deserts
“We feel ashamed to tell the truth about the lowest nadirs in life when we are overwhelmed, exhausted, and depressed. Yet, telling the truth – the good, the bad, and the ugly – sets us all free.”