by the Very Rev. Jered Weber-Johnson
Also, women and men were bringing him children so that he might hold them and the disciples rebuked them. Yet when Jesus saw he became angry and said to them, ‘Let the children come to me; do not prevent them. For to such ones the reign of God belongs. Truly I tell you all, whoever does not receive the reign of God as a little child will not enter it.’ Then he embraced them, blessing them, laying his hands on them.
Mark 10:13-16, A Women’s Lectionary For the Whole Church
I wonder what those parents thought when they brought their children to see Jesus? When they came to present their child to this rabbi, could they also see that they were bringing their children to God? It is a dangerous and powerful thing to bring our children to Jesus, to encourage them to know Jesus, to follow his way. Jesus’ way does not lead us to places of ease and comfort, power or privilege. It usually calls us away from just such places.
Yet, the longer I am a parent, the more I am aware that each and every day, the parenting decisions I make, involve choices about the gods I will present my children to. Every sporting event, music rehearsal, friends gathering, I am helping shape the path that leads them further down the “way of Love” or down other paths. I hope I have the courage to bring them each and every day to the feet of Jesus.
Cardinal Flower – Lobelia cardinalis
These photographs, shared each day during Lent, capture the beauty of plants native to the Upper Midwest. As we spend time in Lenten reflection, these images of new life can remind us daily of our calling to be caretakers of God’s Creation.
Photo by Jo Anna Hebberger