Interfaith Action: Marking New Beginnings

Interfaith Action of Greater St. Paul is a local nonprofit whose mission is to “mobilize diverse faith and spiritual communities to engage in work that supports our neighbors’ stability and economic mobility.” We have been honored to partner with them for a number of years now, especially through their programs Project Home (support and emergency shelter for unhoused families) and School Tools (a school-supplies drive for low-income families).

They recently sent out an update about the work that they do, which we are passing along to the readers of the E-vangelist so you can share in the joy and gratitude for what we are helping them achieve in our area!

As spring has unfolded, we’ve been reminded of the many benefits that come with a fresh start — new beginnings that uplift us physically, mentally, and spiritually. This is what your partnership provides families who need our programs to make that fresh start. Your support enables Interfaith Action to activate volunteers from diverse faith and spiritual communities to help our neighbors achieve stability and greater prosperity.

Homelessness and generational poverty can seem insurmountable. But we know that—together—we can have far more impact than any one of us could individually. As members of faith and spiritual communities, we feel a deep sense of responsibility to contribute to a better world. We find common purpose in helping neighbors take steps toward greater independence, health, and stability.

While the need for our services has grown – 166% increase in families served in shelter and 45% growth in food shelf demand – we see change happening every day at Interfaith Action. Case in point: Recently, we had a single dad come to Project Home with his 7-year-old son. The father worked full-time at $15 per hour but received no child support and wasn’t receiving food or other benefits. Our social worker connected with the management of a new apartment building, which sets aside a certain number of units for low-income renters. Within one week, this dad and his little boy moved from homelessness to stable housing!

We will continue to answer the call of our community, to feed hungry families, to help asylum-seeking families build thriving lives, to work alongside families experiencing homelessness as they tell us what they need to move forward, to engage American Indian families through our Economic Mobility Hub.

It’s work we do in community, with community. Thank you for being with us as volunteers, donors, and faith partners.

If you are interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities, visit our website. And if you want to support our work, contribute here!

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