A Laboratory at Last!

Dear friends at St. John’s,

I’m writing to say a huge thank you for your donation of $14,500 toward the new laboratory building at St. John’s Kayoro Health Center in Uganda. It has been a frustrating slow process lately because of heavy rains in the area. But I’m happy to say that construction work has been finished and the first patients were seen in the space on April 24! I’m including a few photos and will share many more in the future with members of the Kayoro Committee.

We are so excited to see this building take shape. We are confident that it will bring care at St. John’s to a new level and hopeful that it will be the final step for it to become a Level 3 facility… which will bring with it many benefits! Most important, we’re able to provide our partners in Uganda even more services at low cost and in a comfortable environment. It’s a big step forward in our health care efforts.

Please know that our clinic staff sends their sincere thanks as well. I have been told that James (In-charge Clinical Officer) and Amos (Lab Technician) are beside themselves with excitement about this new and professional space. I look forward to sharing more info as time goes on.

Thank you for your generosity and ongoing partnership!

With gratitude,
Peter Carlson
Give Us Wings Executive Director

Click to see a larger version of Peter Carlson’s letter.
Click to see a larger version of all included photos.

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