Lenten Devotional: John 4:43–54

by Dr. Judy Stack

What sign are you looking for? The Gospel of John seems to have a rather ambivalent attitude toward signs, here and elsewhere: Jesus speaks disparagingly of faith based on miraculous deeds, yet it is clear those play a role in some people coming to believe in Jesus. What about you? Is there something you are hoping God will do for you or maybe in you? Maybe you are not looking for anything so obvious as changing water into wine, but every Sunday we are praying for signs of Jesus’ transformational, life-giving power—for forgiveness for ourselves and for our ability to forgive, for reconciliation and kinship across lines of difference, for peace and healing in our lives and in the world—things much more miraculous than stilling a storm or walking on water. And things that, when we begin to see them happening, increase our faith and become signs to all around us of the power of Jesus at work for love and redemption of the world.

Queen-of-the-Prairie – Filipendula rubra

These photographs, shared each day during Lent, capture the beauty of plants native to the Upper Midwest. As we spend time in Lenten reflection, these images of new life can remind us daily of our calling to be caretakers of God’s Creation.

Photo by Jo Anna Hebberger

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