By the Rev. Barbara Mraz

At the RNC convention last week, a female speaker proclaimed that only Trump is keeping the nation away from becoming “Pottersville,” a lawless, heartless town, instead of the bucolic Bedford Falls –which evidently endures under his administration.

The movie got only one Academy Award when it was released in 1946: for Technological Achievement. The producers figured out a new way to make fake snow, replacing the old method of painting cornflakes white. Walking on cornflakes proved to be so loud that many scenes had to be redubbed afterwards.

Love it or hate it, this movie provides a lot to talk about, especially around the theme of gratitude. Join us to discuss all of these things on Wednesday night, September 2, zooming from St. Johns at 6 pm. Sign up on our website.

To get in the mood for the discussion, here is a song first released in 1967 by Louis Armstrong, a black man who rarely publicly politicized his race, to the dismay of fellow African-Americans, but took a well-publicized stand for desegregation in the Little Rock crisis. (Wikipedia).



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