First Nations Kitchen

A Justice-Focused, Gospel-Based Ministry

To learn more or to volunteer for a shift, contact Don Weinkauf at [email protected]

During COVID-19: food giveaways are still happening every Sunday evening from 4-5pm for guests to take home (dining in at First Nations Kitchen is closed at this time). Volunteers are always needed!

First Nations Kitchen (FNK) is a ministry of All Saints’ Episcopal Indian Mission in Minneapolis that serves traditional indigenous food every Sunday evening. Several times a year, we volunteer to help them prepare and serve their meal. Please see the parish calendar for this year’s dates which include sign-up links as they become available.

Shifts include:

Prep shift from 12:30-3:00pm

  • Prep Shift Responsibilities:  Cleaning, sorting, bagging produce; prepping meals, packing up To Go meals, washing dishes, sanitizing surfaces.

Giveaway shift from 3:30-5:30pm

  • Give Away Shift Responsibilities:  Set up the area where the To Go meals are distributed, greet guests and get their order, manage traffic flow, hand out meal packs and extras, and clean up afterwards.

All Saints Episcopal Indian Mission is located at 3044 Longfellow Ave., Minneapolis.

First Nations Kitchen is a ministry led by indigenous people for indigenous people. Its primary intent is to provide food to indigenous people who would not otherwise have access to high-quality, fresh organic food in an environment of radical hospitality and cultural empowerment. They state, “We understand that food is medicine and want to bring back the ancestral foods of the peoples indigenous to this land to eradicate heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity from the native community.”

Copyright © 2020 St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church

St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
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