How Funds Are Used

How Funds Are Used

For more information on how St. John’s uses the resources we have been blessed with to further our mission please contact Sarah Dull, Executive Administrator.

Below is St. John’s current Financial Statement of Mission. It shows monetary resources provided by our pledging members, investments, those using our facility, and, less predictable, discretionary giving. It then details how those resources are utilized for ministry and to operate our facility.

As responsible stewards of our parish resources, we always strive for a balanced budget. As far as possible, we aim to keep resources used for ministry equal or below resources provided by our current membership and discretionary giving. So that, resources provided by those using our facility and investments made by prior generations, to sustain St. John’s, are used to maintain and operate our facility.

You will notice, the largest expense in nearly every category is payroll, taxes, and benefits. In total, we invest over 60% of our resources in personnel. Ministry is done by people. We believe in investing in quality staff that can guide our parish in worship, spiritual formation, caring for each other and the wider community.

We believe we can have the greatest impact by focusing our resources on nurturing and raising up Christian disciples to go forth with humility and God’s love, helping to bring comfort and reconciliation in a hurting world. Many of our members are involved in numerous outreach work around the cities and the world. It is impossible to quantify the impact St. John’s has by raising up these saints of the church.

The direct financial aid we offer from our resources is only a fraction of the support provided by our parish. There are designated funds outside our Financial Statement of Mission to help provide housing, food, social justice, health, and pastoral care that we frequently raise funds for. In addition, we send 13% of our resources every year to support ministry and outreach of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota.

Financial Statement of Mission

Copyright © 2020 St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church

St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
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