Cornerstone Trust

The St. John’s Cornerstone Trust is a non-profit, supporting-organization established to build and maintain endowments for the Episcopal Parish of Saint John the Evangelist.  

All donations to the Trust are invested under a prudent fiduciary standard.  The general endowment is invested with an emphasis on long term growth and is managed to provide a sustainable standard of care for the operation and upkeep of the church.  In addition, donations for donor specified uses are welcomed and have included music, new services, and a variety of capital projects to improve the experience of community at St. John’s.  

Every member of Saint John’s is encouraged contribute a gift, of any size, at any time or permanently endow their pledge by making a gift to the Cornerstone Trust in their estate plan.  Endowed pledges preserve and enhance the quality of ministry at this parish and help the parish grow in its ability to serve all members of this community of faith.  To learn more about how you can make a sustainable contribution to St. John’s through the Cornerstone Trust, please contact Thomas Baxter at [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church

St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
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