
As we partner with the Holy Spirit to “build us up in the knowledge and love of God,” St. John’s Faith Formation programming encourages and nourishes the spiritual development of all people, where ever we are in our faith journey. Faith Formation is integral to St. John’s development of meaningful and inspiring ministries, intertwined with the work of invite-welcome-connect, worship, service work, and community life. Utilizing academic, spiritual, and theological talents within our congregation and partnerships in the wider community, St. John’s Faith Formation Commission provides program offerings that equip our community with knowledge and spiritual resources to grow in our faith journey. Join us in engaging conversations that empower each of us to courageously and compassionately meet life’s challenges and opportunities in today’s world.

Faith Forums

Sunday Faith Forums take place almost every Sunday morning from 9:00-9:50 a.m. from September through May, with the option to join on Zoom or in the Fireside Room.

We also offer seasonal Faith Formation Programming on weeknights. These series have included seasonal book studies, Bible studies, hymn sing and studies, and discussing ways films, art, and music engage theology.

Forward Movement and the Episcopal Church Foundation offer daily lectionary based readings and reflections, including faithful parenting. Click here to view the latest Faith-at-Home Readings

We have copies of the Forward Movement booklets available in our Little Free Library at our 60 Kent Street entrance.


Sacred Art Bible Study 
Second and Fourth Thursdays at 10am 

We study Scripture by contemplating sacred art together. All are welcome to join anytime. Contact Holly Stoerker for details.

Deep Dive Bible Study 
(Currently on break)
Come and sink your mind and heart into a book of the Bible. We will take a slow pace through the book—reading, reflecting, sharing, questioning, and digging in. No weekly preparation or previous Bible study required! Open to St. John’s members and community friends regardless of affiliation. Email Dr. Judy Stack for more details.

Bible Discovery Class
Sundays at 11:30, April 21-June 9
Whether you feel like you don’t know much about the Bible or have loved to study it for many years, this study has something for you! We will cover the whole Bible, Genesis to Revelation, in 8 weeks through a mix of big-picture overview and interactively digging into short passages. Grab some refreshments from coffee hours and meet in the Holly Garden if the weather cooperates, Fireside Room when inclement. Led by Dr Judy Stack.

A list of the weekly topics and suggested readings is found here.

Learning Who We Are

Contact Judy Stack at [email protected] to attend or ask any questions.

The Wayfinder Series

Saint John’s offers a 6-week course called The Wayfinder Series. These classes cover  the beliefs and practices distinctive to the Episcopal Church’s Anglican tradition–how we worship, serve, and love–and what that all means for our life at Saint John’s.

These classes aren’t just for newcomers to Saint John’s or the Episcopal faith! They’re for anyone exploring whether St John’s is the right place for them to build spiritual roots, and is strongly recommended for anyone preparing for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, or Matrimony. It is also a great opportunity for longtime parishioners to refresh their understanding of our tradition and connect with others and our church’s programs and ministries.

In the end, all we do as Christians, Anglicans, Episcopalians, and members of Saint John’s is geared toward helping us be better disciples and followers of Jesus, and to equip us to serve God’s mission in the world. The Wayfinders Series is designed to strengthen the foundation of this mission. 

The series is offered twice a year: Fall (starting late September) and Spring (during Lent). Our Fall 2024 Wayfinders begins September 29, and the schedule can be accessed here.

Anyone may attend one or all sessions. The topics include:

Deepening Connections

To learn more, contact the Rev. Jered Weber-Johnson

Small Groups

We have a number of groups of 7-10 members who meet monthly or seasonally for spiritual support and a shared life of faith. Our Saint John’s Small Groups are a place to go deeper into relationship with each other and with God.

Please contact the Rev. Jered Weber-Johnson for more information on joining a small group!

Copyright © 2020 St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church

St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
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