Our Diocese

St. John’s is part of a ‘diocese’ —a network of faith communities under the supervision of a bishop—called the Episcopal Church in Minnesota (or ECMN for short). Our current bishop is the Rt. Rev. Craig Loya, 10th Bishop of Minnesota.

We believe that together we are called to transformation by engaging in God’s mission. Living out this shift in our identity, our work has become more and more focused on discerning our gifts, and, in partnership, joining with God in the work that God is doing in the world. For more about ECMN and the work we’re up to together, click here.

We understand our work together to be broken up into three areas—distinctive, but interconnected: ministry, mission, and management.

Ministry: living into the ministry of all the baptized by discerning gifts and being in relationship with all four orders of ministry: lay, deacon, priest, and Bishop.

Mission: living out gifts and passions in partnership with those in the community to meet needs and engage in transformation.

Management: stewarding resources (people, property, pennies) in such a way that the work of the church can continue sustainably.

Each faith community in ECMN is a member of its Mission Area—groupings of 10-15 faith communities that share geographic proximity. Mission areas connect through annual gatherings, gather and share information, ideas, connections, and best practices within their mission area, and provide opportunities for relationship-building.

Whenever possible, we seek to act as a network: we focus on relationship rather than hierarchy as the most effective mechanism to build and share strategies and new ideas.

We understand that the church is changing, and we trust that the Holy Spirit is at work in those changes.

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St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
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