Worship at St. John's

Sunday Worship

8am: A simple Rite I Eucharist in the Church
10am: Eucharist Rite II in the Church and streamed live on YouTube. The fourth Sunday of the month is a Racial Healing and Reconciliation service.

St. John’s is an Episcopal Church, part of the world-wide Anglican Communion, a broad and historic tradition. Our worship draws on that tradition using many services found in the Book of Common Prayer, and also connects to ancient practices of the Christian faith while translating these practices to make them relevant to our daily lives.

Worship is at the heart of our life together as a community. At St. John’s we welcome all people to full participation in our worship services. Gluten-free wafers are available upon request. 


Holy Eucharists for Racial Reconciliation and Healing

Every fourth Sunday of the month, St. John’s celebrates a Holy Eucharist for Racial Reconciliation and Healing.

Since 2021, in keeping with the diocesan priority of Justice: Becoming the Beloved Community, St. John’s Liturgy Committee began offering The Holy Eucharist for Racial Reconciliation in honor of Christian saints who worked for racial equity every first Friday of the month at 12:15 p.m. As this liturgy deepened and broadened our Christian commitment to racial justice through 2022, the Liturgy Committee and clergy believed that the powerful sermons, culturally diverse music, and prophetic language of this service needed to be offered to more of our congregation on fourth Sundays in 2023.

As carefully and thoughtfully as the language of this liturgy has been crafted and refined over the last two years, we are still listening to the ways the Holy Spirit is calling us to continue revising and renewing words that honor Christ’s call to repent of the sins of coloniality and racism so that we can embody God’s love, justice, healing, and equity for people of all races. Our Creation Care Team is in the process of researching and writing St. John’s Acknowledgement of Indigenous Peoples’ Land, so please reach out to Johannah Frisby, Dan Vogel, or Michael May with your input. You can reach out to St. John’s Liturgy Committee: John Docherty, the Rev. Cynthia Bronson-Sweigert, Keith Davis, Carol DeFrancisco, Bob Linehan, Bill Sherfey, Richard Gray, or the Rev. Craig Lemming with ways to build upon this liturgical Christian witness to the multiplicities God has created in our human family. Thank you!

We also offer Morning Prayer and Compline services.

Copyright © 2020 St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church

St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
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