St. John’s is a bustling community of faith, with a warm spirit and a wide range of ways to get involved. We’ve been a stable presence in the Ramsey Hill neighborhood of Saint Paul for more than 130 years. As part of the Episcopal Church, we share in a centuries-long tradition of rich liturgical worship. But we are committed to living out this ancient faith in a way that meets the needs of the world we find ourselves in now. St. John’s actively affirms the full participation of women and the LGBTQ+ community in all areas of Church life.

Once you find our building, come right on in! On a Sunday morning, you can use any of the doors to enter the building. Wheelchair users can access the whole building by elevators, located by the glass Kent Street doors and by the wooden doors on the corner of Kent & Portland.

When you arrive, greeters should be there to welcome you and help you find what you need in the building.

Join us for worship…

There are numerous opportunities to worship with our community. Sunday morning services, when we celebrate the Holy Eucharist (also known as Holy Communion or Mass), are central. But St. John’s also offers a number of other prayer services, including Morning Prayer and Compline (night prayers), which are also good ways to join us in worship.

Our worship is both liturgical (following set patterns and rituals) and sacramental (incorporating physical matter). We draw our services from the Book of Common Prayer, but most services have bulletins that print everything you need. It’s also okay to just listen along. Audio assistance devices are available for Deaf/Hard of Hearing. Sunday services last about an hour.

Dress however you feel comfortable. Some members like to dress up; others show up in more casual clothes. Children are welcome to stay for the entire service, but we also offer free nursery care for kids aged 4 and younger.

…and more activities!

Get connected with us!

After the service concludes on Sundays, join us for Coffee Hour, when we gather to share some coffee and snacks, meet new friends, and catch up with old ones.

Twice a year St. John’s offers a 6-session series called Wayfinders which introduces newcomers to the Episcopal Church and life at St. John’s. If you are considering joining St John’s or just want to explore if this is the right place for you to connect and grow spiritual roots, join us!

St. John’s is active in numerous ways beyond worship, both within our community and out in the world around us. If you’ve visited and want to get more involved (or if you want to check out something other than worship first), consider some of these options:

Feel free to email Judy Stack with any questions or to chat about visiting St. John’s!

Copyright © 2020 St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church

St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
Map & Directions

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