Visit St. John's
Welcome to the Church of the Open Door.
Come and join us as we grow in love for God
and one another.
Welcome to the Church of the Open Door.
Come and join us as we grow in love for God
and one another.
St. John’s Spiritual Life Groups nurture the spirit in intentional communities.
In the wider community, we advocate for hunger relief, safe housing, and accessible health services. We pursue our mission through local and global partnerships, personal service, supportive prayer, and financial contributions.
We believe God is revealed in many ways, primarily through Scripture, the wisdom of the church and its history, and our own reason and experience. These are the “tools” we use to search for God.
Wherever you may be in your spiritual journey, we welcome you!
The music program at St. John’s engages people of all ages in a wide range of musical possibilities. Our ensembles provide a sense of belonging, a place where people care about one another. Together we discover what it means to sing and rejoice in the Lord through music.
The ministry of pastoral care is shared by every member of our parish. As Christians in community, we care for one another.
St. John’s ongoing impact relies on you — our parishioners — to commit time, talent, and financial support, to sustain the ministries that improve the lives of our members and the communities we support.
We are so glad you found your way to St John the Evangelist Episcopal Church. Whether you are a long time Episcopalian or have never stepped foot in a church, we welcome you!
Every first and third Thursday of the month from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room or on Zoom.
St. John’s Book Group votes on books that challenge, affirm, and deepen our spiritual lives. Join us as we delve into a broad range of literary genres, including history, novels, theology, psychology, poetry, anthropology, biographies, and much, much more. Email [email protected] for more information.
Saint John the Evangelist is a safe space for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people. We celebrate and affirm people of all sexualities and all genders, and welcome them in all areas of our life together: worshipping in our pews, getting married in our church, participating in our ministries, and serving as lay leaders, staff, and clergy. If you are seeking further education on LGBTQ+ identities, you can explore our dedicated page on this here.
To learn more about St. John’s LGBTQ+ Spiritual Life Group, contact Nathan Black.
Second Saturdays of the month at 9am on Zoom.
Join the Men of Saint John’s for their monthly breakfast, always a good time for conversation and the sharing of hospitality. During the pandemic the group has been meeting primarily via Zoom. However, as case rates drop there is a chance the group will return to the Gym Kitchen for breakfast in person. For current plans you can reach out to Jim Johnson.
Second Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm.
Join with other men of the church for conversation, libations, and a spirit filled time of camaraderie and fun. On the second Tuesday of every month, the men meet in the Fireside Room (the Holly Garden when weather is warm) to discuss an article, share a beer or soda, and pray with one another. For more information, please reach out to the Rev’d Jered Weber-Johnson.
OWLs – Older, Wiser, Laity are for those who self-identify as being part of this group. This ministry has changed a lot since the pandemic — for the most up-to-date information on happenings with OWLs, you can check out our parish calendar or contact Rev. Ernie Ashcroft for details.
Spiritual Life in the Episcopal Homes Pub
First Tuesdays at 5pm at Watter’s Pub (Episcopal Church Homes: 1879 Feronia Avenue, St. Paul).
Join us for fun and fellowship with St. John’s Episcopal Homes residents in the Watters Pub! We share our joys, struggles, and gratitudes as a community bound together in Christ’s love. The Watters Pub is located in Midway Village, the newest addition to the Episcopal Homes campus.
Second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at 1pm in the Saint John’s Fireside Room.
Please join us as we knit our prayers into a garment of care for those needing prayer and comfort in and outside of our faith community. All knitting abilities are welcome, we can help teach you the stitches and you’ll have the guidance of skilled knitters and crocheters at your disposal. Saint John’s Prayer Shawls are delivered by Saint John’s Circle of Care pastoral care team and clergy to individuals recovering from illness, following the birth of a child, experiencing grief, or after a significant life transition and are a tangible reminder of the love, care, and support of this faith community.
First Tuesdays from 7-8:30 PM in the Fireside Room and via Zoom.
We come together as a group to share our faith, our concerns and joys, our ideas and energy. All who identify as women are invited.
The 2024 St John’s Women’s Spring Brunch was held Saturday, April 27 in the gym. We welcomed new participants and had a great time.
The Philadelphia Eleven documentary. We had the privilege of screening this new documentary on April 7, in conjunction with the St John’s Faith Formation Commission, led by our Associate Rector, Rev Craig Lemming. Of note, our own Rev Karen Mosso attended the Ordination Ceremony for these courageous women in 1974. Below she has provided scanned copies of the original bulletin, along with “A Chronology of Events Concerning Women in Holy Orders in the Episcopal Church”, and “Women Who Made History in the Diocese of Minnesota”. Click the images below to open.
Our 2024 Women’s Autumn Retreat, will be held Saturday, September 14 from 8:30 AM to 1 PM at St John’s and will be led by Dr. Christine Luna Munger of the Episcopal House of Prayer. Come for coffee 8:30 – 9, with the retreat to follow. There is no charge for the retreat but please bring a salad or pastry to share.
To register, please click here:
Any questions, please contact Mary Johnson ([email protected]) or Lynn Hartmann ([email protected]).
For additional photos and to learn more about our group and gatherings, click here.
This Spiritual Life group is looking for a new coordinator to plan and facilitate group meetings!
The young (20- and 30-something) adults of St. John’s gather regularly for food, fellowship, and various fun activities. They get together at least one weeknight of the month, some times just for food and drinks, other times for activities like mini-golf, trivia, or a Minnesota United match.
There’s no expectation that you’ve been involved in St. John’s at all before. Anyone who identifies as a Young(ish) Adult is welcome to show up and hang out!
StoryCorps’ mission is to preserve and share humanity’s stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world. Listen to members of the Saint John’s community share their faith story on this wonderful storytelling medium!
StoryCorps founder David Isay emphasizes the importance of giving people a chance to be listened to. Click here to read StoryCorps Founder David Isay on the Importance of Human Connection from MPR.
Copyright © 2020 St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
Map & Directions