Contact Shelley Byrnes, Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries


Do you want to assist with liturgy? Acolytes carry the symbols of our faith during worship and help clergy prepare for the Eucharist. Youth grades 4 and up, and adults, are invited to participate. If you have questions or would like to join, contact Shelley Byrnes.

Woman reads at lectern with choir in background

Lay Readers

Is God calling you to share His word aloud in worship? These volunteers read passages from Scripture during liturgy and serve approximately every two months. Contact Liturgical and Lay Reader Coordinator Robert Linehan to learn more.

To view the Epiphany Women’s Lectionary readings, click here. 

Men interact with seated parishoners


Does your faith give you confidence to step forward, give direction, and answer questions? Ushers assist parishioners and visitors during Sunday worship and serve about one Sunday a month. Contact head usher Jeff Olsen to learn more.

Current Schedule and Sign-Up
Usher Customary

Solemn man leads church procession


Vergers add an important ceremonial and symbolic element to a church service. They remind us that a service works best with order and rhythm. They help the clergy, freeing them from having to worry about every single element of a service, like getting people lined up for a procession. A verger leads the liturgical procession by setting a rhythm and, symbolically, pointing a way forward. Vergers typically serve about once a month. If you feel called to participate in liturgy by leading the way as a verger, contact Contact Liturgical and Lay Reader Coordinator Robert Linehan to learn more.


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St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
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