Rep. Jim Ramstad, pictured here in 2014

by the Rev. Barbara Mraz

Full disclosure: I am a good friend of Sheryl Ramstad, sister of Jim Ramstad, and had the privilege of writing about her own amazing personal story in a recent Evangelist, click here to read it. Also the author of the article in the Strib is a former student of mine at The Blake School.  He knows how proud I am of him, never more than now. 

Congressman Jim Ramstad died last week at age 72, a giant of a man with a distinguished political record and an even more-impressive personal one. Read about him by clicking here, this man who personified Love-in-Action and who saved countless lives, and notice the power of reaching out to someone in trouble, the impact of listening to another’s story, and the persistence of sticking with someone no matter what choices they make.

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