By the Rev. Barbara Mraz, originally published in the Mar-Apr Evangelist

Julie is the Transitional Deacon interning with us at St. John’s. She’s been serving and learning in a variety of contexts, including coordinating the Liturgy Committee, and facilitating a “Superheroes and Saints” movie series in Lent. She has this to say about her work and her experience at St. John’s:

In the Episcopal Church, we are fond of saying, “Praying Shapes Believing.”  One of the important ways we pray is through the liturgy that we enact through our worship each Sunday.  It is my privilege to serve as the Liturgy Team Coordinator and Facilitator while doing my internship as a transitional deacon.  I work with a talented group, including vergers, readers, clergy, music ministry, and lay leaders to make our worship happen when we gather every Sunday.

The community at St. John’s is dynamic, engaged, smart, welcoming, and faith-filled. I’ve enjoyed getting caught up in the positive and energizing spirit.

I’m a foodie so have been pleasantly surprised and ecstatically happy that St. John’s has so many events with fabulous food.  I’m a firm believer in the spirituality of food and the community-building that good food creates—the St. John’s community has mastered these concepts wholeheartedly!

I’ve also learned an incredible deal from my clergy colleagues. They have shown me, through example, how to be gracious and recognize when someone is in need of pastoral care; how to engage with others in a learning environment so that all feel included and feel safe asking questions; and how to invite others into a ministry.

I will carry this passionate community in my heart, drawing on your energy and spirit always. Thank you for this time together.

Julie’s last day with us will be May 13. The following week, she will graduate from Luther Seminary with an M.Div. degree. Then she plans to take a few weeks off and travel with her husband Ernesto and their two children before delving into a job search. She will be ordained a priest on June 26 at St. Mark’s Cathedral.





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