By the Rev. Barbara Mraz, originally published in the Mar-Apr 2018 Evangelist


She sees the possibilities.

Whether it is in the potential of a piece of furniture that needs some loving care, or in an overgrown plant that might be clipped off to root new shoots, or in the connections between people that could produce a new congregation, Susan sees the possibilities and then helps bring them to fruition.

This is part of the reason that at the ECMN Convention in 2016 Bishop Prior gave her the highest honor that can be bestowed on a Minnesota Episcopalian, the Whipple Cross.  Awarded only fourteen times in the history of the Diocese, this is a replica of the cross worn by Minnesota’s first bishop Henry Benjamin Whipple throughout his ministry.  Susan was cited for her work with a number of Twin Cities parishes, notably Santo Niño Jesus, her commitment to immigrant groups in numerous contexts and The ECMN Cuba Commission.  She also served for seven years as the Metro Area Canon missioner on Bishop Jelinek’s staff.

Susan learned Spanish as an adult and makes regular trips to Latin America to experience the culture and also to work in a structured way on her language skills. She and her husband Tom (a consultant for non-profits) are committed travelers with recent trips to Cuba, the Holy Land, Greece, and Turkey.

For four years she served as the vicar of Santo Niño Jesús, even learning to preach in Spanish!  Santo Niño is a Spanish-speaking congregation that began in 1993 when a group of immigrants needed a place to have a funeral for a child. The Rev. Vincent Schwan and The Rev. Bill Teska welcomed them to St Paul’s-on-the Hill and Santo Niño was born. Some  time later Bishop Jelinek placed Susan there with the goal of helping the congregation eventually find a Spanish-speaking priest.  This goal was accomplished in 2010 when Padre Neptali Rodriguez was called as vicar. Santo Niño now happily shares space with First Lutheran Church in St. Paul.

In 2005 a large group of Hmong immigrants were preparing to leave the Roman Catholic Church and were searching for a new church home. Susan learned of this from Sy Vang a friend whose Hmong handicraft shop she frequented. At the next Diocesan convention Susan introduced Sy, a veteran convention exhibitor, to The Rev. Bill Bulson. Bill, a skilled linguist, was then the Vicar of Holy Apostles in East St Paul. Together wilth Bishop Jelinek, these Hmong families were welcomed and another congregation was reborn

A mother of three grown children and a grandmother of three, Susan served at St John’s six years ago after The Rev. Keely Morgan answered the call to be Episcopal Home’s Director of Spiritual Life.  Now Susan will be tending the parish during Jered’s sabbatical, together with the new associate rector when that person is hired.  She expects to be with us through October when Jered returns.

Presently Susan works with pastoral care, liturgy and preaching, and facilitates a new small group that meets Thursday mornings at St John’s (everyone welcome). They are reading and discussing The Meaning of Jesus: Two Visions by Marcus Borg and N.T. Wright.

Susan says, “I am really happy to be in a place that is not only growing, but where there are so many seekers.  I am inspired by the depth of spiritual life and the curiosity of so many who want to grow in their Christian faith .”

We are fortunate indeed to have this gifted priest with us once again, who describes learning and growing as the main thing she wants her life to be about.

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