by the Rev. Barbara Mraz

If “Ukraine” has replaced “Covid” every time you tune in….

If the sight of ragtag Ukrainians defending their cities  — amidst Putin’s bombs  — brings you to tears…

If you are tired, discouraged, and feeing defeated by winter, and spring seems far away…

If you aren’t sure you remember how to relate to people any more even as restrictions are eased…

If you are fed up, beaten down, used up….

If you wonder what “faith” is even about and “loving everyone” seems way beyond your skill set….

If you respect the words and experience and pain of black and brown Americans but are clueless about how to help or “do” something…..

If you are happy beyond words and joy fills your heart….

If you want what you can’t even name…

Come to church on Sunday.

There will be music….and you won’t even have to sing.

There will be stories in the Scriptures and in the sermon (six stories to be precise!) and all you have to do is hear them…

And your friends and not-friends-yet will be there….

And the Spirit of God who is Love will join you in the pew…

For these reasons… and a thousand others…

See you in church.


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[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
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