By Ellie Watkins

Katie Madsen, our new Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministry, is taking on her responsibilities with energy, thoughtfulness, and her sunny and welcoming demeanor that makes you feel valued as soon as you start talking to her.

I got the chance to discuss upcoming programming with her as we sorted through books for the CYF Center (also known as the Gathering Space, newly revamped for an extra focus on children’s ministry). Occasionally she stopped to comment on her favorite books—Old Turtle, The Tale of Three Trees—and in between, she outlined what’s coming up this fall:

Nursery care from birth through age 4

Going forward, Nursery Coordinator Tracy Johnson and her team will be part of Katie’s department. As in previous years, the nursery will be open starting at 8:45am every Sunday. It will close immediately after 10am worship, so parents are encouraged to pick up their kids right away as they head to the gym for coffee hour.

During coffee hour, the gym will have both a “soft space” and an “open play” area so that kids of all ages can relax or run around.

Parents and caregivers of 4-year-olds who will be “aging out” of the nursery into Godly Play during the church year are encouraged to talk to Katie and Tracy about ways to help with the transition.


Children’s Ministry for age 5 through Grade 5

From 9:00-9:45am on Sunday mornings, kids who are not participating in choir can enjoy “open time” in the Gathering Space with comfy seating, books, craft project, and loving adults to supervise.

When 10am worship begins, children attending Godly Play will process together behind the verger, carrying a banner, before heading to their classrooms. They will return to the nave to join their parents before the service ends.

God calls us to see, notice, and welcome our youngest parishioners into our life as a parish. “For a long time, kids were not seen in worship,” Katie observes. “It’s so important to make sure that kids feel like they’re part of the community. When they are seen and heard, they retain their engagement  with their faith.”

“We at St. John’s pride ourselves on being welcoming, but sometimes we are so focused on newcomers that we forget it also means being welcoming to those who are already here—listening to what they want and need, and welcoming in a new way. Changing the Godly Play rooms, for instance, is a new way to welcome those who are already here.”


Youth Ministry for Grade 6 through Grade 12

Katie has already been helping out with the Youth Group for two years. “They love being together, and love spending time together. They’ve created relationships with each other that have lasted through international travel and many other trials, and come out the other side.”

“I remember being a teenager,” she says, recalling how meaningful it was for her to share in youth ministry with other kids her age. “There was something that bonded us more than math and science, and it was rare and special.”

Now, she’s excited to work with St. John’s youth and listen to them as they reimagine the youth program together and create something that will be very meaningful and formative for these teens. On Wednesday evenings, the gym will be open beginning at 5:30pm for open gym time; then they’ll have dinner at 6:30pm, and discussions and programming at 7pm.

Katie is looking forward to working with the youth. As they grow, “they become really cool adults and it’s fantastic to get to walk with them.”

Originally published in the September/October 2019 Evangelist.

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