By Jered Weber-Johnson

Compline has been a regular part of our practice of praying the Daily Office for over five years. While the customary has shifted and changed some each year, the consistency of observing the Daily Office, whether in the morning, at noon, or in the evening, has strengthened our life of Common Prayer in this faith community. Thanks to a generous gift from John Graham to create a Compline Fund, sustained by the support of additional donors, we have been able to offer weekly Compline each Thursday evening during the program year.

Over those years we have also seen different leaders: Keely Morgan, Craig Lemming, Kim Sueoka, and, most recently, Monte Mason. This past year as Richard Gray assumed the responsibilities as our first full-time Director of Music, Monte graciously stayed on as our Compline Coordinator, arranging musicians, scheduling
vergers, and seeing to the important details that a liturgy of this caliber requires. Now that Richard has a year under his belt, these duties are passing to him and a new season of Compline leadership begins. I am immensely grateful to the calm and patient leadership of Monte, his good humor, and wisdom. As the program moves into this new year, I know Richard will inherit a well-tended and thoughtful liturgy.

As the year begins, we look forward to Compline and some of the ways that this service can help us see and notice things in our life of faith, with new eyes.

Originally published in the September/October 2019 Evangelist.

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