By Jered Weber-Johnson

Most of you know that I absolutely love Luke’s resurrection story when Jesus shows up on the road to Emmaus, and how the disciples didn’t recognize him until he broke the bread at dinner with them.

This summer over 130 members of our faith community gathered in one another’s homes to break bread and share stories, and in so doing, we began to notice and see the presence of something holy. Simple hospitality, laughter, learning each other’s names and backgrounds, full bellies and hearts: these were just some of the ways we described our experience of these Connect Meals over the past three months.

Thanks to our hosts and thanks to all who were courageous enough to show up not knowing who’d be there or what exactly to expect.

Here’s what you noticed, experienced, and took away from these meals:

Even though I knew who the other guests were, several were people whom I had never talked to before that evening. I guess that is what is supposed to happen at these gatherings!
—Cynthia Bertheau

Living alone, I enjoy having a meal with others and, frankly, checking out their homes to see what they collect and cherish. I’m already looking forward to next year’s gatherings.
—Karen Mosso

I enjoyed the chance to see my hosts in the natural environments of their homes. I love seeing what they have around them, the colors, the artwork, the gardens, the pets (especially the pets!). I appreciate the effort my hosts put into their meals and love it a lot when someone cooks for me!
—Barbara Mraz

Having interviewed thousands of people I’m reasonably good at reading body language, eye contact, and voice inflections. What was wonderful for me was not what happened, though that was nice enough, but what didn’t happen. Nobody so much as batted an eyelash when I arrived being different. People approximately in my age range (72), who might  hypothetically have had more conservative reactions to me, didn’t skip a beat. Everyone was wonderfully and reflexively hospitable.
—Jennifer Tianen

We were amazed at the many life stories shared at our Connect Meal and appreciated the opportunity to hear how life can hold so many opportunities for growth and change.
—Ed Stieve and Otto Paier

Conversations that would not otherwise happen took place that will lead to new understanding and relationships.
—Linda Lindeke

We loved the meals we attended. So fun for the kids to all play, and for the parents to hang out with each other!
—Jessica Berry

I was surprised to learn that more than one of the youth knew me from my participation in cross-generational Lenten meetings. They notice and remember. Those times are invaluable.
—Roger Wilson

To have the Rector prepare and serve me food in his home was humbling. It was also a gift to get to know Erin better—that is, beyond how I know her as a spouse and mother.

An added joy was the sound of kids playing in the basement and the occasional appearance of a happily excited child. The parents were calm and amused by the scene.
—Sally Sand

Originally published in the September/October 2019 Evangelist.

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