By Bette Ashcroft

“Before you tell your life what you intend to do with it, listen for what it intends to do with you.”
-Dr. Parker J. Palmer

Who in the world are you?                          

What in heavens name are you doing? 

These are some serious spiritual questions. Have you ever experienced a yearning to discover the real purpose of your life? To learn how to recognize and respond to the presence of the Holy Spirit in the “ordinary”?

Life in 2018 is full of noise and distraction. So many tools that exist to make our lives simple and efficient have instead burdened us with ever more demands on our time and attention. Amid all these distractions, I invite you to pause: to take some time to consider what special and specific ministry God intends for you.

Every individual is blessed with gifts, interests, and experiences that allow us to participate in the ongoing renewal and reconciliation of God’s creation. Those of us who are not ordained priests and deacons (the “laity”) are meant “to represent Christ and his Church; to bear witness to him wherever they may be; and, according to the gifts given them, to carry on Christ’s work of reconciliation in the world.” (BCP p. 855)

This means we can do more than simply “fill in” the gaps which exist in the life of our parish community. Finding the shape of our gifts goes beyond volunteering for any ministry that needs helpers. It means finding the true meaning and purpose that God has shaped us for. This is a process that requires, above all, prayerful attention.

Once we discover our true shape for ministry, our lives will be enriched rather than diminished, we’ll be energized rather than exhausted. We will see how we may fit into the bigger picture of God’s design. We may need to let go of some things in order to make space for others.

You may feel you have already tried, and perhaps failed, to discover your spiritual gifts. What should you do next? What will allow you to fully engage in the ministry we have been created to embody?

Here at St. John’s, we have two new resources to assist you in answering these questions.

On Saturday, November 10, a workshop called “Finding Your Fit: You are SHAPED for Ministry” will be held from 9am-1pm in the Fireside Room. First you will explore your own unique passion, gifts, personal style, and experience. This is followed by a one-hour meeting with a trained consultant who will focus on your personal profile and how it might fit with opportunities to serve at St. John’s or in the wider community. Finally, you will be encouraged to serve in the ministry you have identified. You will not be “drafted” into serving. The purpose of SHAPE is to assist, not push, you into ministry that is life giving rather than energy draining. There is no cost for the workshop, and lunch is served. RSVP to Lea Anne Schmidt at [email protected].

We also recommend Dr. Parker J. Palmer’s short book Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation as a wonderful way to prepare for this discernment. Dr. Palmer draws from the Quaker tradition of deep listening. Several volumes are available in the Library; please borrow a copy and return it when you have finished so that others may enjoy.

Together, let us pause to listen and discover who God has shaped us to be and to do.



Originally published in the November-December 2018 Evangelist.

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