By Cammie Beattie


Ten years ago, this church made a commitment.

Led by Barbara Mraz and Jennifer Kinkead via Give Us Wings, it was our response to a call from the General Convention of the Episcopal Church: to work towards the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals. Those ambitious international goals—related to poverty, education, health, and environmental sustainability—initially seemed beyond our reach. And yet, even when making a difference seemed impossible, we resolved to do just “one good thing.” We made a commitment to help the people of Kayoro, Uganda build a clinic.

So much has happened in the decade that followed. St. John’s Kayoro Health Center II (SJKHCII, as it is known in Uganda) was built in 2011 and a maternity wing was added in 2017. It is now part of a health care compound with a water pump, solar panels, baby warmer, autoclaves, freezer, refrigerator and many other improvements.








Photos depict the evolution of the compound from one building in 2011 (below left) to constructing new wings in 2017 (below right) to a level-3 health center(above).







A staff quarters was recently completed, largely supported by funds from St John’s. It can house 3 staff, with modern toilets, a shower and a small kitchen. It allows the clinic to be open 24/7—one of several measures needed to bring the clinic to the level of a Health Center III, which results in more benefits from the Uganda government and greater service to area residents.

Plans are in place to expand the inpatient ward as medical needs are increasingly being met, including a larger maternity ward and an operating room. The clinic is partnering with Health Partners to develop a health care insurance program. And Simba Oil Ltd, located across the road from the clinic, has offered to extend electricity from their plant without cost, because SJKHCII provides “very vital services to the community”!

SJKHCII has increased the number of people that it serves each year. It regularly offers training on immunizations, reproductive health, pre-natal and infant care, and other issues. Overall, more than 18,000 people received care from SJKHCII in 2018!

Clearly, doing “one good thing” has led to more than we could have ever imagined. It was the spark to develop a full-on health care compound that has attracted many other funding sources beyond St. John’s. Every day, more people are living healthier lives with dignity and hope. Through God’s grace and St. John’s generosity, One Good Thing has led to MANY GREAT THINGS in Kayoro Village, and this story has even more chapters to come.

Is God calling you to participate in this ministry? There are many ways to respond!

  • Join the St. John’s Kayoro Clinic Committee. (Contact Sue MacIntosh at [email protected])
  • Help make Days for Girls reusable menstrual kits so that young women don’t have to miss school each month. (Contact Patty Byrne Pfalz at [email protected])
  • Help make Mama Kits of medical supplies for pregnant women who live too far from the clinic and will likely deliver at home. (Contact Cammie Beattie at [email protected])
  • Visit Kayoro! A trip may happen in February/March 2020, and there may be scholarship funds to help with travel costs. (Contact Therese Anderson at [email protected] or Sue MacIntosh at [email protected])

Originally published in the July/August 2019 Evangelist.

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60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
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