On May 5, St. John’s celebrated New Member Sunday and welcomed new families into our faith community. Read on to get to know a new family a little better and say hello next time you see them!

Courtney Veszi & Oszkar

I grew up in Alton, IL in an American Baptist church. After a long stint away from the church, moving abroad, and then moving back again, I settled in Saint Paul for a fresh start. My 4 year old son Oszkar and I moved here at the behest of my oldest friend Erin Weber-Johnson and I’ve been overjoyed to find a community of welcoming people that challenge me and my faith.

What I enjoy most about St. John’s is the intelligent way that faith is viewed. I look forward to investigating and deepening my relationship with God and the people here. The things that give me the most joy are, hands down, my son and creating meaningful art that inspires and touches those around me.

Originally published in the July/August 2019 Evangelist.

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