I have a new knee.

It’s been a month now and I am doing well, although I am continually amazed and grateful at the skill of medical science who put a piece of metal in my leg!

I have had to be more quiet less running around, having lunches out, shopping, or messing around in the garden. Perhaps it’s because it’s fall, a paradoxical time of new beginnings and also losses as well as the shadow of ice and cold looming. I have been nostalgic for….. I’m not sure what. The Epistle from James for next Sunday suggest that unease comes from “your cravings that are at war within you.”

Maybe so.

The Gospel says that the Disciples were afraid to ask” Jesus questions when they didn’t understand what he was trying to teach them which was the essence of Christian faith. This essence reflects the rhythms of human life which include suffering and loss followed by rebirth or transformation.

Sometimes we become nostalgic for what preceded our suffering – a time when we remember life as being easier, more rewarding, even more loving…. before the diagnosis, before the kids left home, or when our parents were still alive.

I hope I’m not the only fan of the iconic television series Mad Men, about a New York advertising agency in the Sixties. In this video, ad man Donald Draper is pitching an advertising campaign to two executives from Kodak who want to market their new slide projector as a wheel. Don has some things to say about that. (Ignore the annoying ad at the beginning, if one plays on your computer).

And I’ll see you in church

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