Ashes and Stardust

ASHES AND STARDUST The First Sunday of Lent – February 17, 2013 A sermon by The Rev Barbara Mraz St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church, St. Paul, Minnesota

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Jesus at a Distance

School breaks and “spring” vacations have ended.  The chocolate bunnies have been eaten, the eggs have been found, the lilies are fading. The emotional highs

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The Gate

I’ve always worked for wealthy people.  In high school and college, I worked for the Dayton Family at the legendary and iconic department store of

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More than Courtesy

There are several reasons not to give someone a compliment.  Let’s suppose you’re at the theater and a person you know is in the cast.

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The Cross and the Wreath

We come to church for many reasons: worship, community, comfort, guidance, music, habit, the Sacraments. But once we’re here – in this building – or

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Declaration of Love

Declaration of Love A Sermon by The Reverend Barbara Mraz January 12, 2014 St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church St. Paul, Minnesota The Baptism of

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[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
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