
Just as with any relationship, getting to know St John’s and becoming a member takes time. There are many ways to do this. First and foremost, participating in Sunday morning worship is key in a Christian Community. Here we gather to pray, learn and gain support from one another.

There are also many educational offerings and ministries outside of Sunday morning worship that you might wish to participate in. To find classes, community groups, or volunteer opportunities that are right for you check out the links below, the bulletins boards, brochure racks, Facebook page, or call the office. We can help you find your place at the table.

To become a member of St. Johns’s there are some steps you will want to take. These include basics classes held throughout the year. After this series is completed then you will be welcomed on a Sunday morning here at St John’s.

If you are already an Episcopalian we encourage you to request, through the parish office, to have your membership records transferred from your previous parish. Please contact the office at [email protected].

If you are not already an Episcopalian you can choose to be received or confirmed into the Episcopal Church. Our clergy would be delighted to discuss this further with you.


Ways to Participate

We invite our members to consider participating at St. John’s in the following ways:

These are some of the ways we live out our gratitude to God together.

Many Ways to Be a Member

To learn more, contact our New Member Ministry at [email protected]

Pathway to Membership

You don’t need to be a formal member to join in our community life, but if you’ve visited consistently we encourage you to explore one of the various types of membership. Formally joining (in whatever form) is a way to publicly affirm your commitment to the community. The steps can seem confusing, but we’re with you every step of the way to make everything run smoothly.

  1. First, attend Basics classes — These are offered 3 times a year and are open to everyone and cover the basics of Christianity life at St. John’s.
  2. After Basics, if you’re interested in formally joining, contact our New Member Ministry. They’ll be happy to chat about finding your place at St. John’s.
  3. Take some time to consider what “level” of membership works best for you. Keep in mind that you’re not locked into any of them forever.
  4. Once we’ve processed your paperwork, all that’s left is being formally acknowledged as a member at a Sunday liturgy! Welcoming new members is always a joyous occasion.

Copyright © 2020 St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church

St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
Map & Directions

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