2023 Annual Report

Table of Contents

2023 Annual Meeting Minutes

The 2023 Annual Meeting was held via YouTube Livestream on Sunday, February 5, 2023, following 10am worship.

Last year’s annual meeting was recorded, which efficiently provides comprehensive minutes of our congregational meeting. The recording has been available for all to view on St. John’s YouTube channel all year. You can view the recording at left.

Thank you to everyone who attended, participated, submitted reports, and voted at the meeting, for your vitality and enthusiasm in faithfully embracing innovative new formats of annual meeting!

Stewardship Report

The Stewardship Committee built upon the momentum from the previous year’s record campaign with an incredible 191 pledges totaling $714,596, exceeding our goal and 5% more than 2023.

46 new pledges totaling $54,640 reflects the success of our revamped Access and Connection ministries in engaging new and current members.

The generosity of our matching gift donors continues to inspire increased pledges and this year we had seven households contribute to fund the matching gift. We received 97 increased pledges worth $409,464 with an average 18% increase.

Each and every pledge put us on the path to this extraordinary result! We are filled with gratitude for the expanding base of support for St. John’s programs and staff. Our thanks to everyone who contributed to our mission of growing and spreading a canopy of God’s love.

Alice Lightner Johnson, Stewardship Committee Co-Chair

2023 Financial Report

2024 Financial Statement of Mission


We give thanks for the many gifts that have greatly contributed to the life of St. John’s. 

Retiring vestry members: We on the vestry will miss your wisdom, courage, and dedicated presence at our meetings, but look forward to the next chapter of your life with us. Holly Weinkauf, it has been our great pleasure to serve with you over the past few years. You have the grace and capacity to lead with love, a servant’s heart and a cool head. 

Also, this year we are especially grateful for the faithfulness of Diane Power and her many years of leadership with the Altar Guild. We thank Brad Smith for his hard work and guidance as head of the Property Committee

These are the transitions that we have been made aware of, but there are many hard-working leaders in our ministries and there may be other transitions happening too. To those named here and unnamed: thank you. We could not do what we do without you.

Bette Ashcroft, Junior Warden

Holly Weinkauf, Senior Warden
Ed Stieve, Vestry and Music Commission
Jamie Bents, Vestry
Johannah Frisby, Vestry and Creation Care
Barb Tani, Vestry
Brad Smith, Property Committee
Diane Power, Altar Guild



Thank you to all our outgoing leaders!

Election Slate

Vestry Members — 3-Year Term
David Bressoud
Lynn Hartmann
Priya Schulze
Eloise Teisberg

Vestry Members — 2-Year Term
Beth Bowman

Wardens – First 1-Year Term
Bette Ashcroft—Senior Warden
Bob Baumann—Junior Warden


Cornerstone Trustees — 3-Year Term
Rick Rinkoff
Holly Weinkauf

Ministry Reports


  • The Season after the Epiphany focused on women’s voices in the Bible and  gender-expansive pronouns for God as we used Wilda C. Gafney’s A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church: Year A and featured a series of powerful preachers including Bishop Craig Loya, Deacon Chelsea Stanton, Fr. Jayan Koshy, Mary E. Johnson, and Deacon Barbara Mraz.
  • The Rev. Katie Ernst preached at our St. Aelred of Rievaulx Holy Eucharist with service music by LGBTQ+ poets and composers sung by our choir.
  • We dedicated a Sunday to a parishwide Safeguarding God’s Children and People training led by Katie Madsen to ensure our faith community remains safe for all people.
  • Our annual Black History Candlemas Procession drew growing numbers of visitors both in the sanctuary and online.
  • Our fourth Sunday celebrations of The Holy Eucharist for Racial healing honored Florence Li-Tim Oi, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King, Jr., Enmegahbowh, Kateri Tekakwitha, Manteo, The Martyrs of Memphis, Bishops Philip Tsen and Paul Sasaki, Kamehameha and Emma of Hawaii, and Frances Joseph Gaudet. Our roster of outstanding guest preachers continues to grow in diversity.
  • The Altar Guild celebrated Diane Power’s steadfast and decades-long service and invited new and existing members to discern who feels called to be the next head of the guild. Katie Madsen agreed to lead the Altar Guild beginning in 2024.
  • Holy Week Services: Wednesday Tenebrae, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and Easter Day were all very well attended.
  • We hosted our Jesuit neighbors St. Thomas More’s choir for a joint Evensong with St. John’s choir to celebrate the Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord; and St. Thomas More reciprocated by hosting our annual Ecumenical Advent Vespers liturgy.
  • We celebrated Baptisms at the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord, Easter Vigil, Pentecost, Transfiguration, October 29, and All Saints’ Sunday. 
  • We celebrated St. John’s music ministry on Trinity Sunday with a Sacred Music Festival featuring our choirs and organists. 
  • We hosted the closing Eucharist for ECMN’s diocesan summit on Racial Healing with Guest Preacher Dr. Catherine Meeks, Founder of the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing in Atlanta, GA.
  • Our Blessing of the Animals service in honor of the Feast of St. Francis Assisi drew many neighbors to the Holly Garden for this liturgical offering for all God’s creatures.
  • In honor of the birthday of Pauli Murray, we offered the Book of Occasional Services’ liturgy for blessing new names and new identities as part of a Eucharistic celebration.
  • Our Blue Christmas liturgy included a pastoral homily by Roger Wilson, a listening circle, healing prayer and anointing for those struggling emotionally and spiritually.
  • A Festival of Nine Lessons Carols drew one of the largest congregations. This beautiful service continues to be one of our strongest opportunities for evangelism in our neighborhood and online. Christmas Eve services were very well attended.
  • The Rev. Cynthia Bronson Sweigert as celebrant and The Rev. Karen Mosso as preacher offered a New Year’s Eve Holy Eucharist in an intimate, contemplative liturgy with Taize hymns and candlelight to give thanks for 2023 and to bless 2024.

Faith Formation

  • Holly Stoerker co-led and convened our bi-monthly Bible Studies with Art on Zoom which engaged discussions of the upcoming Sunday scriptures with artwork from a multiplicity of cultures, historical eras, and genres.
  • January and February: Bible Studies focused on Wilda C. Gafney’s A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church involved learning about women in the Holy Scriptures and gender-expansive language in Christian theology.
  • Thursday Book Group read The Light We Carry by Michelle Obama, The Awakened Brain by Lisa Miller, and The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride.
  • Dr. Judy Stack led our deep-dive Bible studies after Compline on Thursdays and after Sunday services in the Summer.
  • Dr. Judy Stack led our Bible Basics course orienting learners to the canon of Holy Scripture in The Old Testament and The New Testament.
  • In Lent our Sunday Forums featured the Rev. Ernie Ashcroft leading a series on Facing Our Mortality with Hope and our Faith Formation Commission members led a Wednesday evening series on Finding Jesus in Films.
  • Dr. Judy Stack led our Eastertide Sunday Faith Forum series in a deep-dive Bible study of the Book of Revelation.
  • Engaging a variety of interpretative approaches, Faith Formation Commission members led a weekly Bible Study of the Gospel according to Mark on Wednesday evenings in preparation for the new Lectionary Year B.
  • The Vitality Committee led a Fall Series on how making authentic relational connections through Christian spiritual practices in community leads to a vital faith life. Sonya Sutton led a forum on singing and communal music-making as spiritual practices that keep us vital. In partnership with our Stewardship Committee we offered faith forums on how the discipline of pledging financially to support ministries as a spiritual practice leads to individual and collective vitality. The Rev. Canon Blair Pogue, our Wardens, Vestry members, Kayoro Village pilgrims, and Youth Group each gave presentations that made our stewardship season and annual Ministry Fair vibrant and well resourced.
  • We rounded out the calendar year with a marvelous Advent Hymns and Theology series featuring musically gifted members of our community including Bob Baumann and Bill Sherfey, Mary and Andrew Waldo, Erin and Jered Weber-Johnson with the Faith Formation Commission’s very own Don Weinkauf on guitar!  

Children, Youth, and Family

  • 7 Baptisms
  • 5 youth acolytes trained
  • 2 youth readers trained
  • Epiphany Bake off and chalking
  • Shrove Tuesday Pancake dinner and races
  • Children’s Ash Wednesday and Good Friday Services
  • 2 Ice Cream Sundays
  • Intergenerational Game Night in July
  • Wreath Making
  • Enough students to split youth group into 2 groups
  • Average Sunday School attendance combined Whirl and Godly Play is 9

Pastoral Care

  • The Rev. Marc Landeweer led our Circle of Care lay pastoral caregivers during his Internship for Holy Orders in the 2022-2023 liturgical season.
  • Holly Stoerker hosted two Circle of Care Retreats in her home in the Summer and Winter. Circle of Care hopes to continue gathering regularly to build communal support through spiritual practices steeped in Holy Scripture, Benedictine spirituality, and the Community of Hope International Lay Pastoral Caregivers’ training modules.
  • Our Circle of Care discerned the need to form a Pastoral Care Committee to tend to the monthly administrative upkeep of Prayer Lists, Card Writing Lists, ongoing Eucharistic Visits, and pastoral phone calls and visits. Holly Stoerker, Kathy Brown, Roger Wilson, and The Rev. Craig Lemming are our new Pastoral Care Committee. The monthly Circle of Care meeting now includes more time for spiritual formation and pastoral check-ins than in previous years, with each Committee member leading the monthly meeting.
  • Trainings for laity in our Healing Prayer and Anointing and Eucharistic Visitor ministries offered time for our 9 Circle of Care members to refresh their expertise and invite newcomers into participating with them in these healing spiritual practices.
  • Healing Prayer and Anointing were offered in the Chapel during the distribution of Holy Communion in the seasons of Lent and Advent and at our Blue Christmas service.
  • Several of our beloved parishioners died in 2023, and our Circle of Care members were a spiritual resource for those who died, their loved ones and all who grieved their passing.

Faith in Action

St. John’s Faith in Action ministries–six in total–are a shining example of our bishop’s vision of faith communities as “lay-led and clergy-supported.” Each of these lay-led ministries addresses a vital need in our community. Our partners in our neighborhood, around the metro, and around the world have come to rely on us because we have proven ourselves reliable in not looking away from the needs of the world outside our doors. We are responding to immediate needs for housing, hunger relief, and the health of people and creation while infusing justice into everything we can.

General FIA Items
  • Our experimental St. Paul Trivia Afternoon in August, with special guest Bill Lindeke, raised around $600 for the FIA ministries (and was a fun time)!
  • The School Tools drive for Interfaith Action, led by Holly Stoerker, raised $915.
  • The 10th Annual Chili Bowl Cook-off, led by Holly Weinkauf and Alice Johnson, raised around $2000 for the FIA ministries (and was a delicious time)!
Kayoro, Lead: Sue MacIntosh
  • St. John’s sent seven people to the Kayoro Clinic in June. Travelers reported that the Clinic is amazing, a full health compound; GUW-Uganda leadership is strong; lives are being improved! They saw the sonogram being used – donated by SJE in 2022. There was overwhelming support for medical supplies from SJE & directly to GUW, allowing the travelers to carry 7 packed suitcases of supplies to Uganda. Eliza made a wonderful presentation to the congregation a couple weeks later.
  • Peter Carlson made another trip in 2023 to Uganda. SJE donated a bunch of maternity vitamins and Tylenol for him to take to the Kayoro Clinic.
  • On 9/22, a group from SJE joined with GUW and other volunteers to work the Twins’ concession stand – earning roughly $1500-$1800 for GUW.
  • Give Us Wings Christmas boutique was a great success – about $1500 was raised. Peter Carlson, GUW Executive Director, visited SJE that morning and really enjoyed meeting everyone!
  • The Kayoro Clinic was in need of a new laboratory as theirs was too small for their needs. A bid of $25,000 was received. Funds from SJE’s Kayoro budgets for 2023 and 2024 along with a grant of $5,000 obtained by GUW, plus additional funds brought in through various requests by email and private discussions has met the $25,000 bid!
  • The laboratory building has begun! Building is expected to take 3-5 months. It’s a very exciting time! Annual trips to Uganda have returned, so we hope to have photos to share of the new space in 2024.
Hallie Q. Brown, Lead Patty Byrne Pfalz
  • $1,855 and 600 lbs of food donated for Pack the Pews in March.
  • Jonathan Palmer from HQB preached on Father’s Day, 6/18, at both services and the Forum.
  • St. John’s volunteers planted garden containers around the playground at HQB over the spring/summer, and Patty heads over to pull weeds once a week. The garden was a big hit with the children.
  • Several members attended HQB’s annual Night at the Q Gala on Saturday, 10/14.
  • Parishioners were encouraged to participate in the Hallieween event and invited to support HQB’s clothing closet through their donations.
  • Volunteers assembled food bags for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
  • St. John’s donated 122lbs of food for the Thanksgiving Food Drive, contributing to a total of 500 turkeys and 350 food orders that HQB passed out to the community. 
First Nations Kitchen, Don & Holly Weinkauf
  • St. John’s staffed First Nations Kitchen with volunteers for 6 Sundays in 2023. 
  • St. John’s volunteers were generous in their time by helping out on additional Sundays. 
  • Lots of big and beautiful produce bags, including from Fields to Families, are given out each week. Sometimes people come for the produce and will skip picking up the meal. 
  • $606 was raised for FNK during the January 2023 Mustard Seed Offering. 
Project Home, Kelly Russ
  • $480 was raised for Project Home during the February 2023 Mustard Seed Offering. Phil Romine, (now former) congregational engagement coordinator for Interfaith Action, visited coffee hour that day.
  • The Project Home team (25 unique volunteers this year!) prepared and served meals every month for guests at Project Home — approximately 260 meals in 2023.  
  • Because of Kevin Russ’ chef skills, all of those meals were able to be served at the low cost of only $1605.42 which was provided by the parish’s donations.
  • Phil Romine called out Saint John the Evangelist as a beacon for congregational engagement because we have committed to preparing and serving dinner once each month.  Project Home staff know they can count on us to show up and serve a delicious and nutritious meal.
Creation Care, Leads: Michael May, Dan Vogel, Liz Lindeke
  • $596.64 was raised for Creation Care during the Earth Day Mustard Seed Offering.
  • The bike rack that Creation Care purchased in late 2022 was delivered. $3,000 was donated by a parishioner to fund the concrete slab that would allow the bike rack to be installed, and it was! 
  • The bike rack was blessed on 9/24 and included a visit from a representative from Move MN who from whom we received a $1,000 grant to help with the bike rack. A local journalist from Wedge Live also visited and created a short article/video on the event.
  • Jo Anna Hebberger planted native plants in the parking lot gardens.
  • St. John’s was chosen as one of six congregations to participate in the Associated Parishes for Liturgy and Mission (APLM) year-long journey of Liturgy in the Face of Climate Crisis. This will be largely supported by the Creation Care and Liturgy ministries. The representatives attending the opening conference in July were Dan Vogel and the Rev. Cynthia Bronson-Sweigart. 
  • Johannah Frisby stepped down from leadership. A new leadership team of Dan Vogel, Liz Lindeke, and Michael May stepped up. 
  • The team led a Creation Care Sunday on 10/8.
  • A Local Indigenous Sacred Sites Pilgrimage (AKA Sacred Sites Tour) with Rev. Jim Bear Jacobs was scheduled for the afternoon of Saturday, May 4th, 2024. Please sign up!
  • Creation Care prepared the Advent wreath and led an Advent prayer the four Sundays of Advent, read while the wreath is being lit.
  • Creation Care continued discussion of how to develop an authentic land acknowledgement for our congregation. A display has been up in the parish hall during Advent encouraging feedback on different options. 
Fields to Families/Farmers Market, Leads: Barbara Lindeke & Sally Sand
  • $805 was raised for Fields to Families during the May Mustard Seed Offering.
  • The Farmers Market season ran from 6/3 through 10/14 in 2023. All three farmers–Song’s Produce, Wana & Teng Vue, and ChongSue Chang (AKA Victor) returned. 
  • At least 3 parish volunteers each Sunday provided hospitality to the farmers and to visiting neighbors, and delivered the produce to First Nations Kitchen.
  • St. John’s paid $75 to each farmer every Sunday to provide produce for First Nations Kitchen (though the amount they actually delivered was often worth much more than that). The total paid to farmers for produce for FNK was $3,450.
  • Wana and Teng Vue made additional deliveries of produce to Casa Maria (St. Nicholas Church in Richfield) and Hallie Q. Brown Food Shelf. Casa Maria received $4,195 in produce. HQB received $2,976. 
  • In a year where SNAP cuts and rising food costs left many families in need, donations from St. John’s and the help of our farmer friends contributed to hunger relief in our community.

Welcome & Connection

2023 saw some important changes in the ministry of Welcome and Connection. The integration of Access (media) with Welcome and Connection under the leadership of Kat Lewis bore fruit, but with their departure in July, those were re-envisioned as separate but related ministry areas. Both have continued to flourish. Some markers of growth for Welcome and Connection:

  • We welcomed many new members: 14 in spring, 22 in fall
  • In Early 2023, the “Basics” class was renamed “Wayfinders” to better reflect its purpose and was restructured to better assist those exploring membership. Feedback has been positive–almost all who started the fall class completed it and were welcomed as members in November.
  • Average Sunday attendance for both services is back to  pre-pandemic levels (or slightly above)
  • Visitors continue to speak highly of their experience at St John’s, consistently describing folks as “friendly and welcoming” 
  • New members had a near 100% pledge rate this fall and have almost all become actively connected in ministries and serving
  • Hosting larger events such as the Diocesan Racial Reconciliation Retreat and Hmong New Year celebration helped us both to connect to the larger community and also to identify ways we can do better in creating a welcoming physical space 
  • The number of folks who signed our visitor book or otherwise gave contact info to be in our “New and Interested” spreadsheet for follow up nearly doubled from the previous year (from 35 individuals/couples/family groups in 2022 to 66 in 2023)

Spiritual Life

This past year saw a return to full on Spiritual Life programming. Participation in many of our Spiritual Life offerings was robust and even growing, particularly with the addition of many new members. Post pandemic, things are still resifting, and settling, but it is clear that while engagement in Spiritual Life ministries might look different in 2024 and beyond, that interest in spiritual life more broadly remains robust and exciting.

Some highlights from 2023 in Spiritual Life at St. John’s:

  • Thanks to the leadership of Ernie and Bette Ashcroft, our quarterly OWLs gatherings have resumed with excellent participation and engagement. These included a Lenten retreat at Episcopal Home and a Christmas Tea at the church.
  • In addition, thanks to the support of the Ashcrofts and Roger Wilson, monthly “Spiritual Life in the Pub” gatherings have resumed.
  • House groups continued to meet and pray and fellowship together.
  • The LGBTQ+ group has not met regularly but hosted a fabulous coffee hour this fall.
  • Jaqueline (Jax) Collins, a new member to the church has assumed leadership of the Young(ish) Adults group and new meetings are in the works.
  • The Men’s Gathering and Men’s Breakfast continued to meet in the year past in person and online. The Men’s Breakfast holds a monthly zoom coffee meeting while the Men’s Gathering meets in person to discuss spiritual and theological topics.
  • The Women’s Group has continued to grow in engagement following a retreat this past year and meets regularly to discuss books and topics related to race, gender, justice, and spiritual life.
  • The Daily Office community continued to gather on Facebook for daily morning prayer and while small in number is deeply devoted in practice.
  • The parish Vitality “taskforce” continued meeting this past year centering on a passage from Ephesians, they continued to prayerfully discern how and where they can support initiatives that draw us more deeply into spiritual life and vitality as disciples following Jesus’ way of love.


The year 2023 included expanded opportunities for musicians at St. John’s. The choir, handbell choir, and guest musicians, including The Copper Street Brass ensemble, organist-in-residence Dean Billmeyer, pianist Ed Stieve, Mirandola, and other guest soloists provided music for regularly scheduled services, special services during Holy Week and Christmas, Evensong, festivals, and recitals.

  • In addition to the regular music budget, the John Graham Compline Fund, the Winifred Bean Fund, and starting late this year, a generous bequest from Betty Myers provided support for this varied program designed by the Director of Music, Richard Gray and Music Commission Chairman, Ed Stieve.
  • During 2023, choir membership increased to 30 members, bringing the membership total to greater than pre-pandemic levels.
  • Late this fall, the handbell choir, under the direction of Priya Schultz, resumed rehearsals and performances for several services. We have about 8 ringers in the handbell choir.
  • A guest recital in October by pianist Alexander Woods and vocalist Janani Sridhar featured the music of Iberia. 
  • A successful Evensong service in April and another during November at St. Mark’s Cathedral, with another scheduled for April 2024.
  • A well-attended Annual Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols provided an exciting start to the Christmas Season.
  • During Advent and Ascension, the choir joined the choir at St. Thomas More Community for Ecumenical Choral Vespers.
  • The 2022-2023 season concluded with a Cathedral Classics service in June featuring music from England for choir, brass ensemble, and organ.
  • A unique program highlighting St. John’s historic pipe organ included a performance by Richard Gray and Organist-in-Residence Dean Billmeyer – the program highlighting the instrument’s tonal resources concluded with a tour of the pipe chambers and console led by Dr. Billmeyer.
  • The music program at St. John’s continues to support and reflect Bishop Loya’s Four Priorities for the Episcopal Church in Minnesota (ECMN), Discipleship, Innovation, Justice, and Vitality, especially during Racial Reconciliation services and collaborative opportunities with other churches.
  • Estimated total number of services that the choir sang for in 2023: 50
  • Total number of spoken Compline and Sung Compline services offered in 2023: 40 (includes singing and spoken)
  • 6 new singers joined the choir in 2023
  • About $26,000 was raised for our upcoming Choral Evensong Residency Trip to England at the Silent Auction and Oktoberfest – both events had around 60-70 in attendance; wonderfully organized by choir members who devoted time and generosity
  • In 2024, Ed Stieve rotates off as vestry rep and music commission chair. Priya Schulze comes on as vestry rep and Jaena Smith comes on as music commission chair 


The Fellowship Committee coordinates food and hospitality for major events during the year including:

  • Gathering Sunday 
  • Christmas Party
  • Lessons and Carols
  • Annual Meeting
  • Easter Vigil Reception
  • Summer Picnic

The team is also available to advise and support other events, such as receptions for the Sacred Music series or other special occasions. 

These events can’t happen without volunteers, and the committee has been blessed with a growing list of people willing to help. Committee members are encouraged to volunteer as they are able.  This model builds community, accommodates busy schedules, and keeps our volunteers from burning out. 

In 2023 we were able to return to a full schedule of in person events, and all were well attended.  It was a joy and a blessing to be able to gather again to share food and fellowship.  St. John’s received a gift from the estate of Malcolm McDonald, supporting our Gathering Sunday lunch and the Christmas party.  This generous gift helped us to serve delicious food to meet a variety of dietary needs at both events.

We look forward in 2024 to continuing our mission of hospitality and welcome. 


2023 Building and Grounds Achievements:
  • The Parking Lot was resealed and restriped
  • The deteriorated and failing flat-roof of the 1950s building was replaced
  • Various heating and cooling repairs including:
    • Replace Condensate pump in the boiler room
    • Repaired air compressor in the boiler room
    • preventative maintenance to boilers and HVAC equipment
    • Rooftop AC repairs
  • Second floor updates for Big Wonder opening:
    • Repainted two classrooms 
    • Refinished tile floors
    • Replaced a toilet, two sinks, and a countertop
    • Hung shelving and coat hooks
    • Replaced and moved a light fixture and replaced dangerous wiring
  • Shampooed carpets and refinished terrazzo and choir room floors
  • Various gutter and downspout repairs and replacement

2024 Pledgers

Thank you to those who have pledged to support our mission in 2024:

Allen, KathrynHadley, RaeO’Pray, Lynette & Denis
Anderson, DevonHagstrom, Gary & PaigePalmer, Lyelle
Arndt, KimHansen, Owen & MaryParish, Michael
Ashcroft, Ernie & BetteHargens, Gar & Thompson, MissyParsons, Bradford & Dyanne
Bailey, CaraHebberger, Jo AnnaPfalz, Patty Byrne
Baird, PhillipHenneman, Mark & TerriPfau, Jim
Ball, PatriciaHertz, LynnPostema, Don & Lawrence, Gabrielle
Baumann, Bob & Sherfey, BillHogan, Emily & JoshPower, George & Diane
Baxter, SarahHolmquist, ChristineRagland, Susie & Larry
Baxter, Tom & AimeeHorn, BobResch, Richard and Sandy
Beattie, Rob & CammieJackson, Mary AnnRhodes, Beth
Bender, HeatherJaneczko, JuanitaRichards, Michael & Tiedmann, Bill
Bents, Jamie & MikeJeffery, Michele & GeorgeRinkoff, Rick & Ferguson, Julia
Berndt, Fred & SylviaJohnson, Jim & Jones, LucyRosendale, Peter & Jennifer
Berry, Brett & JessicaJohnson, Mary & Hartmann, LynnRuss, Kevin & Kelly
Bertheau, CindyJohnson, Paul & SarahRussell, Anne & Peters, Merrell
Birkeland, Karen & JeffJohnson, PaulineRutledge, Edward & Ellingson, Lacey
Bishop, WaveneyJohnson, Todd & AliceRutter, Anne
Black, NathanJones, ShelbyRyan, James & Taylor
Borreson, DianeKeillor, CarrieSailors, Shirley
Bowman, BethKim, HeidiSand, Sally
Bradley, Philip & Frankman, JanKinkead, George & JenniferSchenk, Edwin
Bressoud, DavidKochevar, LauraSchmidt, Patrick & Lea Anne
Brezny, Nicholas & ChristinaKrall, Andrew & AnnekeSchulze, Priya
Brown, Martin & KathyLahti, JohnSmith-Boyer, Helen
Bruce, Devin & Clements, SarahLautenshlager, GilSnowfield, Barbara
Brynteson, RichardLemming, CraigSolid, Emily & Craig
Byrnes, ShelleyLightner, NanSommer, Stephanie & Spencer, Stephen
Cadwell, Marvin & SueLindeke, BarbaraSouthwick, Judy
Chatt, Karen & BrianLindeke, LindaStack, Judy
Chen, JeffLindeke, LizStanton, Chelsea & Rach, Jeb
Choloh-Dukule, EnidLinehan, Bob & EmilySteadman, Chris
Church, Caroline & Merkl, WillLongley, Deborah (formerly Wood) & Lucy, AndrewStengle, Sarah
Clark, JayLorenz, GailStieve, Edwin & Paier, Otto
Clark, TonyLottsfeldt, JosephineStoerker, Holly
Clary, BradLundberg, Jonathan & ElizaStoltenberg, Philip & Jessica
Collins, JaxMacIntosh, SueSturtz, Linda & Robertson, James
Colton, Josh & TishaMadsen, Katherine & JohnSutton, Elaine
Cook, Ed & MonicaMairs, DustySweigert, Cynthia
Creel, SusanManson, JaenaSwope, Charles & Colleen
Dailey, Mary AnnMarsh, Gayle & Schmidt, RobynTani, Barbara
Debertin, Jay & BeckyMartin, GraceTeisberg, Eloise
Dexter, MargaretMatter, Christopher & RiannaThompson, John & Jill
Docherty, John & Conklin, MarilynMay, Joseph & SuzanneTianen, Jennifer
Doll, MattMay, MariaTorrence, Gregory
Donovan, Maura & Whitman, DavidMay, MichaelTrinz, Bundy
Dove McAfee, IainMcCarthy, Edwin & SusanVinsonhaler, Chris
Drew, Alden & Pollard, MimieMcGill, KathyVogel, Daniel
Dukule, JameselleMcInroy, Mark & SuzanneVoje, Patty
Dull, SarahMerchant, Noella & BrianWagner Sherer, Madeleine
Ek, DorothyMercier, SusanWaldo, Andrew & Mary Halvorson
Evans, Tom (Edward)Merrill, PhyllisWall, Kevin & Michelle
Fahnhorst, Sean & LindseyMichaels, Stephen & HelenWard, Phoebe
Farseth, KathrynMosso, KarenWeber-Johnson, Jered & Erin
Fishel, TeresaMoxley, CalebWeber-Johnson, Jude
Foster, HeidiMraz, BarbaraWeber-Johnson, Simon Henri
Frisby, JohannahMurakami, Tom & PattiWehrwein, Betsy
Frisby, PhyllisNichol, KatherineWeinkauf, Don & Holly
Georgeson, Michael & SaraNichols, PhilipWelsh, Timothy
Gilbertson, Peter & MaryO’Connor, RobbieWiant, Emily
Gray, RichardOlsen, Jeff & PeggyWilson, Roger & Ginny
Greenlee, HollyOlsen, Tim & Musgrove, RyanWoelfel, Jerry & Becky
Gregory, ChristineOlson, Rick & WendyZurakowski, Tamara
Grundhauser, Tony & Cathy  

If your name is missing in error please contact Sarah so we may put it right.

Copyright © 2020 St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church

St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
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