I don’t remember hearing the term “wind chill” growing up. The temperature was the temperature. We just bundled up and walked the mile to school. If it was colder than fifteen below zero, my mom drove us, reminding us all the way how lucky we were and don’t think this will happen all the time.

So I did some research and found this: “In 2001, the National Weather Service used advances in technology to update the WCT Index. The new index calculates wind speed at the height of an adult human face and uses modern heat transfer theories to arrive at the wind chill temperature. So, no, it’s not getting colder, scientists are just getting better at telling you when its REALLY cold.”

I’m not buying it. What if there’s no wind? What if you have all exposed skin covered up? And now some weather people almost ignore the REAL temperature forecast and just use wind chill! It’s not right. Yet another sign that America isn’t tough anymore.

There’s a connection here to Scripture – maybe a bit forced but….. You have to take a second look some times to see what’s really there. Like in Sunday’s Gospel, the story of the Wedding at Cana where Jesus changes water into wine (a lot of wine). This is his first recorded miracle. Hello? What about healing the sick? Bringing down the mighty from their thrones? Feeding the hungry?

Wine? Are you kidding me? Is the message here “party on”?

But then you look more closely and it’s not quite that simple and you find some important ideas to grab on to… And of course Monday is Martin Luther King Sunday and you find a connection between Mary and Rosa Parks… Yay, research. It can do a lot for you.

Yes, it’s supposed to be cold on Sunday, but not THAT cold in terms of the ACTUAL TEMPERATURE. Not even cold enough for your mom to give you a ride to school. So…

See you in church. Barbara

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