This summer, we have a chance to support families of vulnerable young children in our community, and help provide an inquiry-based, collaborative learning environment that prevents a backslide in skills too often seen during the summer months.  

Our partners at Big Wonder are aware of at least 4 children who would like to enroll in their “Kindness and Cardboard” summer camp but need financial assistance to do so. The anticipated funding needed is nearly $5,000, and Big Wonder does not have these funds available.

And to kickstart our fundraising, we are THRILLED to announce that we have received a donor match grant from the Sheltering Arms Foundation! This means we can offer a match of $25 for every $100 donated to the Big Wonder Scholarship Fund. With 40 donations of $100 each, we can make our initial goal of $5,000 to pay for the 4 children who want to attend summer camp!

Thank you for helping to spread our canopy of love over children, families, and teachers to create a just and harmonious community in our neighborhood!

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St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
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