Summer at St. John’s

Children, Youth, and Families Ice Cream “Sundays”Sunday, June 18 and Sunday, August 27 at 11am in the Parking LotIce cream and other frozen treats will

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Jump into the Water, for Joy and Liberation

Philip did not hesitate to jump into the water and baptize the Ethiopian eunuch. He did not think about the eunuch’s gender or race before welcoming him into the Jesus movement, or ask church authorities if it would be okay before accepting him as a partner in worship. Taking from Philip’s example, how might we cast aside the harmful boundaries and prejudices we have been taught to uphold and maintain?

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Sermon for Pauli Murray’s Feast Day

People gonna rise like the water,
gonna to shut this pipeline down
I hear the voice of my great granddaughter,
saying keep it in the ground.

I had my arms linked with one of my movement grandmas, a pastor wearing her collar, and I sang this song through tears while she was ripped out of my arms and thrown to the ground by a police officer. We sang this tune against the backdrop of our beloved earth being torn up for profit.

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[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
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