Anger and Action

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I spent time this morning with a knot of mourners, reporters, onlookers, and protesters in front of the Governor’s

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The Ribbons

      “Oh, you made yourself a little corsage!” The strange match-up of crinkly orange paper ribbon and an orange zinnia I had grabbed

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        Arrogance. Anger. Mockery. Violence. No, these are not only words that might describe the current presidential campaign, but also this Sunday’s

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Got Doubt?

Consistency seems to be one way we measure the integrity of a political candidate: Hillary said one thing about nuclear weapons last week, but in

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  Smell is one of those thing that has moved into the realm of political correctness. IN preparing the sermon for Sunday on Mary anointing

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  I don’t remember hearing the term “wind chill” growing up. The temperature was the temperature. We just bundled up and walked the mile to

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“It is as if every emotion we have is intensified on Christmas,” writes Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde. She goes on, “If it’s joy we feel,

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Happy New Year

As I sit at the computer writing, I find out that another friend died this week, a formidable woman who was a pioneer in working

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