First Nations Kitchen
Help with Meal Giveaway
Sunday, October 27
First Nations Kitchen holds a Give Away for our South Minneapolis community with delicious indigenous To Go meals and organic produce. The Prep Shift 12:30-3:00 takes place inside. The Give Away Shift 3:30-5:30 pm takes place primarily outside. Masks are optional and we will respect your decision. Both shifts begin with an Orientation Circle lead by a team member or an experienced volunteer. Click here to sign up.
Minnesota Council of Churches
Donations Needed for Winter!
In the Narthex through Sunday, October 27
As part of our relationship with the Minnesota Council of Churches Refugee Services, St John’s is collecting gently used coats and winter clothing (boots, gloves, hats) for MCC to pass on to newly-arriving refugees and their families. All sizes are needed (child-adult). If you have winter garb you no longer wear, or your children have grown out of what they wore last year, please bring your clean items to the narthex (the entrance at the rear of the worship space) through October 27.
Creation Care
Every 2nd Monday at 6:30pm
We work towards climate justice by establishing action plans for practical, systemic, and relational work here at St. John’s. Come check out a meeting to learn more about what we do!
Interfaith Action
Project Home
Once Saturday a month we prepare and share a dinner with the clients of Project Home, families from our neighborhood who are experiencing homelessness. See dates and sign up here >>
Faithful Hospitality
Interfaith Action two volunteers per night to serve as overnight hosts to help provide a safe, welcoming environment for asylum-seeking families.
Where: Macalester Plymouth United Church
When: Overnight hosts are on duty from 6:30pm to 7:30am weekdays and 6:30pm to 8:30am on weekends. Through October 31
What: Resources and training are provided for hosts. Bring bedding and a smile! Comfortable beds are provided. Please bring your own sleeping bag and a
pillow. Volunteers are welcome to bring snacks and games for children.
Questions? Contact Annessa Ihde at [email protected] or (651) 364-7489.
Sign up here >>