
Our prayers are with you in your time of loss.

If you need to make arrangements for a funeral at St. John’s, please first contact The Reverend Jered Weber-Johnson at 651-228-1172 x11 or [email protected]. (If you choose a date and time with the funeral home without talking to the rector or associate rector, they may not be available.)

Please complete this form to schedule a funeral at St. John’s. Return the completed form to Sarah Dull at [email protected].

Once the funeral is scheduled, you will fill out this form with the details of the service. (A list of suggested scripture readings can be found here.) Return the completed form to Sarah Dull at [email protected]

St. John’s does not charge for funerals; however, we do believe in reimbursing individuals for their time and attention:
• Sexton (if outside normal working hours): $40 per hour
• Organist (includes 1 consultation and ceremony): $300
• Priest honorarium
• Any outside musicians must be approved by the Music Director and paid directly.
• If you have financial hardship, please speak with the Rector.

If you have any questions about funerals or service planning, contact St. John’s Executive Administrator, Sarah Dull, at 651-228-1172 x23 or [email protected]

Planning Ahead for Your Funeral or Your Loved One’s Funeral

Being well-prepared for death is one of the most compassionate pastoral gifts we can provide for our loved ones. The Church is here to provide spiritual and practical resources to help us face the realities of death and dying together. Please click here to review the Guide for Burial and Funeral Planning to help guide you through planning your or your loved ones burial service.

Complete this form to plan the details of your or your loved one’s burial service.   (A list of suggested scripture readings can be found here.) Return the completed form to Sarah Dull at [email protected]. We will keep the form in our files at the church.

Father of all, we pray to you for those we love, but see no longer: Grant them your peace; let light perpetual shine upon them; and, in your loving wisdom and almighty power, work in them the good purpose of your perfect will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

—The Book of Common Prayer

Copyright © 2020 St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church

St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
Map & Directions

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