2021 Annual Report

Table of Contents

2020 Annual Meeting Minutes

The 2021 Annual Meeting was held via Zoom on Sunday, January 31, 2021, following 10am worship.

Taking advantage of new technology, last year’s annual meeting was recorded. The recording efficiently provides comprehensive minutes of our congregational meeting. The recording has been available for all to view on St. John’s YouTube channel all year. You can view the recording at left.

Thank you to everyone who attended, participated, submitted reports, and voted at the meeting, for your vitality and enthusiasm in faithfully embracing innovative new formats of annual meeting!

Stewardship Report

We begin our 141st year of ministry with 156 pledges, worth $558,429. $65,898 qualified for the matching grant, generating a total of $624,327. This is 6% more than we received from pledges in 2021. 

Many answered Bishop Loya’s call to join the Spirit in making St. John’s a vital witness to God’s gospel and Jesus’ Way of Love. Thanks are due to:

  • Our generous matching donors who believe in continuing the legacy of St. John’s, building back stronger than ever, and preparing for the next 140 years of ministry.
  • St. John’s team of Stewardship Invitors who continue to build connections with their co-members and offer invitations to join them in investing themselves, through the resources God has provided, in this work to which God has called St. John’s. 
  • Those who generously gave inspiring witness to stewardship at St. John’s during Sunday services: Anneke Krall, Eliza and Jon Lundberg, and Kelly, Kevin, and Maggie Russ.
  • St. John’s stewardship ministers: Alice Johnson, Jessica Stoltenberg, George Kinkead, Jon Lundberg, and Sean Fahnhorst, whose creativity and leadership made all this possible.
  • To St. John’s staff and vestry for their support.
  • And to everyone who pledged to support the ongoing mission and ministry of this beloved community.

Respectfully submitted by Sarah Dull

2021 Financial Report

2022 Financial Statement of Mission


THANK YOU to our Outgoing Leaders

For the past two years I’ve served as the Junior Warden at SJE which means that for 24 months I’ve been meeting on zoom with the rest of the vestry and Jered as we’ve all done our best to navigate these very challenging times.

Every year the annual meeting marks a transition in our vestry. We have a few vestry members whose terms have ended and new vestry members will be beginning their terms soon. Bob Baumann, Bob Linehan, Gabriel Lawrence and Jenny Koops have all served 3 year terms on the Vestry. I’m grateful for everything they have done on behalf of St John’s as well as the insights they each brought to our vestry conversations. Lynn Hertz has served 2 years as junior warden and 2 years as senior warden. During these past two (pandemic!) years, her steady, committed, thoughtful leadership has provided a much needed solid foundation not only for our vestry, but for our entire SJE community.

I’m also grateful to Helen, Julia and Libby for the work they’ve done in their leadership roles.

St John’s is a better place thanks to each of you!

In gratitude,
Holly Weinkauf

And to the Parish

Over the past 2 years while we have not been able to connect as much inside the church, so many of you have stepped up to help us figure out how to connect and stay in a relationship with God and with each other in new ways. Your gifts of time, talent and treasure have made a difference. And in a stewardship year where so much was uncertain, we exceeded our pledge goal. I think it’s especially encouraging that not only did we exceed our pledge goal, but we did so with several new pledges. We also had an anonymous donor, or maybe it was donors, who matched those new and increased pledges. To all of you who gave generously thank you. I see that as a sign that you all have hope for what’s possible at St John’s and in the world in the coming year.

So on that hopeful note, I’d like to share a poem from How to Love the World: Poems of Gratitude and Hope.

I’m looking forward to putting one foot in front of the other with all of you in the coming year.

Holly Weinkauf

Hope has holes in its pockets. It leaves little crumb trails so that we, when anxious, can follow it. Hope’s secret: it doesn't’ know the destination - it knows only that all roads begin with one foot in front of the other.

Election Slate

Vestry Members — 3-Year Term
John Docherty—Liturgy liaison 
Paige Hagstrom—Fellowship liaison 
Eliza Lundberg—At Large
Rianna Matter—Children, Youth, and Family liaison

Vestry Members — 2-Year Term
Johannah Frisby—At Large
Barb Tani—Member Ministry liaison

Vestry – 1-Year Term
Nan Lightner—At Large

Wardens – First 1-Year Term
Holly Weinkauf—Senior Warden
Bette Ashcroft—Junior Warden

Cornerstone Trustees — 3-Year Term
Brad Clary
Jim Johnson


John Docherty - Vestry (Liturgy)
Paige Hagstrom - Vestry (Fellowship)
Eliza Lundberg - Vestry (At Large)
Barb Tani - Vestry (Membership)

“I’ve been a member of St. John’s for about 4 years, serving on the Fellowship and Altar Guild committees and supported other social outreach projects. This has been a welcoming and inspiring community of faith for me.  I look forward to working with Cameron Williams to reach out in new ways to welcome others to St. John’s.”

Johannah Frisby - Vestry (At Large)
Nan Lightner - Vestry (At Large)
Rianna Matter - Vestry (CYF)
Bette Ashcroft - Junior Warden
Holly Weinkauf - Senior Warden

Holly has been a member of St. John’s since 2008 when she and her family—Don, Madeline, Eli and Roan—moved to St. Paul from New Mexico. She’s the owner of Red Balloon Bookshop. At St. John’s, she’s served on the vestry, the CYF committee, been involved with Hearts to Home and Project Home, and is a member of the finance committee. Holly grew up in the Episcopal Church and as an adult, has a deeper understanding and appreciation for its traditions, its commitment to beauty and thought and its openness to all people. She and her family are very grateful to have St. John’s as their spiritual home.

Brad Clary - Cornerstone Trustee

Brad has been at St. John’s since 1964, when his father became the Rector of the parish. Brad was married at the Church in 1982 and has raised his two sons here. Over the years, he has served at various times as a youth group leader, vestry member, junior warden, senior warden, co-chair of the stewardship team, and capital campaign leader. He is currently on the finance committee, and has been a trustee of the Cornerstone Trust since its beginning. Brad’s training is in the law, and he has experience both as a practicing lawyer and as a clinical professor on the faculty at the University of Minnesota Law School.

Jim Johnson - Cornerstone Trustee

Jim Johnson is a lifelong Episcopalian who began attending St. John’s in 1975. He served as junior and then senior warden for a total of seven years. Jim is a current Cornerstone Trustee. He chaired the Building Committee for many years and continues as a member of that Committee. He is also a member of the Finance Committee and served as Treasurer for ten years.

Ministry Reports


Liturgies offered in 2021
  • Daily Office: Morning Prayer, Monday through Saturday on Facebook; Evening Prayer in Lent and Advent on Facebook; Compline on Thursday evenings in the Sanctuary and on YouTube.
  • Sunday Morning Worship: Liturgy of the Word with Spiritual Communion livestreamed from the Sanctuary; Holy Eucharist Rite II offered outdoors in the parking lot; Holy Eucharist Rite II with Music offered as a hybrid both in the Sanctuary and livestreamed on YouTube; Holy Eucharist Rite I offered in the Sanctuary at 8:00 am.
  • ECMN’s Priorities of Discipleship, Justice, Innovation, and Vitality: Creation Care Sunday with the Blessing of the Animals in honor of St. Francis of Assisi and our Christian commitment to being good stewards of God’s Creation; First Friday Racial Reconciliation Holy Eucharists at 12:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary and livestreamed on YouTube in honor of Episcopal Saints who worked for Racial Healing.
  • Special Services: All Holy Week Services were offered online; Baptisms on the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord, at Easter Vigil, and on All Saints’ Sunday; All Hallows’ Eve Liturgical Drag Service with Trick-or-Treating innovatively told the biblical stories of The Witch of Endor and St. Michael defeating Satan for all ages; All Souls’ Day Grief and Loss Holy Eucharist for those who lost loved ones in this time of pandemic; Blue Christmas with Healing Prayer and Anointing for those who struggle with the festive season; Evensong honoring ECMN’s Four Priorities; Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols; the Children’s Christmas Pageant film for Christmas Eve; and the New Year’s Eve Holy Eucharist.

Please watch the video the hear how all these offerings have proclaimed with joy the good news of Jesus.

Faithfully submitted by Robert Linehan, Vestry Liaison for Liturgy, and The Rev. Craig Lemming, Associate Rector

Faith Formation

Faith Formation Offerings in 2021

January – The Way of Love: Learn curated by Dr. Judy Stack
February – The Way of Love: Pray curated by Dave Embree
Lenten Parish Read: Love is the Way by Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry
March – The Way of Love: Worship curated by Dr. Mark McInroy
April – The Way of Love: Bless curated by the Rev. Cynthia Bronson Sweigert
May – The Way of Love: Go curated by the Rev. Craig Lemming
June – The Way of Love: Rest curated by Dr. Ed Stieve Summer Sabbath Rest
September – A Sanctified Art: Holy Scripture, Money Narratives, and Visio Divina
October – ECMN’s Four Priorities: Discipleship, Justice, Innovation, and Vitality
November – “For All the Saints: A History of St. John’s” with James E. Frazier
December – Bible Study of the Propers appointed for the Season of Advent

Please watch the video to learn how these offerings have built us up in the knowledge and love of God.

Faithfully submitted by Dr. Mark McInroy, Vestry Liaison for Faith Formation, and The Rev. Craig Lemming, Associate Rector

Children, Youth, and Family

This year we celebrated the Baptisms of 8 children and 1 adult and Confirmation of 1 youth and 3 adults.

This year has been one of continuous adaptation. We finished the 2020/2021 formation year off with Zoom Godly Play and Youth Group.

Adapting our annual Shrove Tuesday Dinner into an outdoor pancake race was a fun way to stay connected and raise money for our Pilgrimage Fund.

During Lent we hosted interactive prayer stations and a Lenten hike for children and youth. We hosted an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter morning with 100+ eggs, crafts and games. It was a wonderful way for our families to reconnect and to meet Easter Bunny Craig.

Over the summer we spent as much time outside as possible creating and tending to our Good News Garden, hearing bible stories and doing crafts together. Gathering a total of 10 times over the course of the summer. Wrapping up our summer programming with the Blessing of the
Backpacks and Ice Cream Social.

We said goodbye to Abbie or 2020/2021 Circle of the Beloved Intern and welcomed Kat the Circle of the Beloved Intern for 2021/2022. CYF has been so blessed by this partnership.

During the summer we surveyed our families to determine where everyone was at and adapted our programming to be as inclusive and safe as possible. This led to another pivot this fall.

We started our program year with outdoor Sunday School (while the weather was nice) hearing stories and crafting together. Meeting outdoors allowed us to film our Christmas Pageant together this year and create another wonderful digital pageant.

The Youth Group began the year meeting outside and moved inside when the weather turned this fall.

We will remain flexible and adapt as things continue to change.

Katie returned from maternity leave in February, but with the help of Abbie M. everything ran smoothly in her absence.

Faithfully submitted by Katie Madsen, Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministry

Pastoral Care

  • 8 ministers, 4 from St. John’s and 4 from St. Clement’s, completed the Community of Hope International Lay Pastoral Caregivers’ 14-week Training in the Fall.
  • 9 ministers were trained by the Rev. Joanie Delamater in Healing Prayer and Healing Anointing. We now have a cohort of 11 trained Healing Prayer and Anointing ministers who offer this pastoral ministry during Holy Communion in Advent and Lent. Healing Prayer and Anointing is also available to those receiving Eucharistic Visits.
  • 8 Eucharistic Visitors were trained in the Fall and continued Eucharistic Visits were administered safely in this time of pandemic.
  • All Souls’ Day Grief and Loss Service was offered in partnership with the Liturgy Committee for everyone grieving the innumerable losses we have suffered in this time of pandemic.
  • Blue Christmas Service with Healing Prayer and Anointing was offered for anyone who struggles with painful memories, grief, loss, or stress in the festive season.
  • Pastoral Card-Writing Ministry: “Cammie and the Card-Writers” mailed birthday cards to those on The Evangelist bi-monthly birthday lists, as well as pastoral care cards to those added to the Prayers Lists.
  • Continued Intercessory Prayers offered by the Circle of Care for those on the Confidential Prayer List and in Sunday’s Prayers of the People.
  • Prayer Shawls were distributed to parents of newborns, those experiencing sickness, those who were Confirmed or Received into The Episcopal Church by Bishop Craig Loya, and all New Members who were welcomed into our faith community.

Please watch the video to hear how these programs help us care for each other.

To offer financial support for the Circle of Care Retreat, click here and select Pastoral Care fund. 

Respectfully submitted by Mary E. Johnson, Vestry Liaison for Pastoral Care, and The Rev. Craig Lemming, Associate Rector

Faith in Action

Last year, Faith In Action found new ways to be active in our communities and neighborhood. We worked diligently to mirror the ways Christ helped. Our work has been anchored in living the Gospels outside of our church family, and being Disciples with our partner groups. With each of those partner groups, we worked using all safe-practice Covid protocols. 

2022 will be more discernment in what we can and should do. The ministries of FIA are looking at best ways to help those in need: new housing programs, basic needs purchased, additional PPE and health clinics, additional food shelf deliveries and meal distributions. It will be a year of staying with those in need and working toward permanent solutions. Onward!

Hunger Relief

First Nations Kitchen (FNK)

Leads: Holly and Don Weinkauf

The church’s Mustard Seed collection in January went to FNK to help them bring in fresh produce, bison roasts, and food storage products to keep the Sunday meals stocked. St. John’s volunteered at prep and distribution over four weekends in the year. Many volunteers helped on weekends that FNK was not fully staffed. During summer, the Fields to Families program purchased after-market produce from the farmers for First Nations to use in the meals, and to create take-away bags for the clients to use at home.


Farmers’ Market & Fields to Families

Leads for Farmers’ Market: Barbara Lindeke & Sally Sand
Lead for Fields to Families: Shirley Sailors

The 2021 season was strong this year. Volunteers showed up in regular shifts, though more are always needed. Our neighbors were wonderful in coming to the Market and supporting our farmers. They were also very good at donating in the Market jars.  The Truck Program continued with Hallie Q Brown Community Center Food Shelf, and the After-Market Program for First Nations Kitchen. St. John’s made sure our St. Paul and Minneapolis neighbors in need received the fresh produce to make their lives better. 

We did run a deficit. Other programs graciously donated funds to help cover these needs. This will be addressed in 2022.


Hallie Q Brown Food Shelf

Lead: Patty Byrne Pfalz
Partner Group: Hallie Q Brown Community Center

Early in fall 2021, Patty Byrne Pfalz connected with the board at Hallie Q Brown to renew our St. John’s relationship with the community center. The congregation was given some inspiration to increase food and monetary donations, especially around the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. We also coordinated a toy drive to supply Hallie’s Toy Shop where parents could choose gifts for their children.

Health Care

St. John’s Health Clinic in Kayoro, Uganda

Lead: Sue MacIntosh
Partner: Give Us Wings – Therese Anderson

2021 continued to be a difficult year due to the pandemic; no capital projects were initiated, except to include some items for the health compound – such as medical waste pits, fencing, lawn mower, washing machine and fire extinguishers. The clinic needed support for personal protective equipment, testing supplies, and additional funds for outreach activities to address the pandemic .There was an urgent need to re-emphasize and enhance hygiene discussions to include specific instruction to minimize spread of Covid-19. In all, $3,552 was sent over to support these activities. The extra outreach activities allowed more people to be served by STKHC.

Later in 2021, our partners at Give Us Wings requested that any additional funds remaining in our committee’s budget be directed to general operating expenses for the clinic. (Give Us Wings’s budget was being overextended by tutors they were sending to students’ homes in response to the closing of schools.) By unanimous decision, the committee agreed to divert the remaining budget to operating expenses. While this has not been our usual approach, it is clear that Covid has disrupted everything worldwide.

We are anxious to travel to Uganda, but we will need to be patient. However, we will rely on the many strong relationships already developed between the people of SJE and the community of Kayoro Village and St. John’s Health Clinic Kayoro.


Project Home

Leads: Kelly and Kevin Russ
Partner Group: Interfaith Action

2021 allowed St. John’s to join the work of Interfaith Action’s Project Home in a new way: cooking the Sunday evening meal each week of February. The volunteers met at the 340 Hotel in Downtown St Paul where the families were housed. The volunteers gave a wonderful meal each Sunday night, met and enjoyed the families, and gave everyone a break from the stress of the pandemic.  

During 2021, Interfaith Action moved its offices and the families of Project Home to Provincial House on the campus of St. Catherine’s. The St. Joseph of Carondelet nuns saw a mission to use the 1880 building to make life easier on the families. They are able to remain in one spot until permanent housing can be found.  In working with the new housing structure, St. John’s is looking at new ways to help the families. We are creating New Mom bags that contain onesies, bottles, diapers etc. for the new babies, and supporting the new parents in any other items needed.

Hearts to Homes

Hearts to Homes is reimagining what the mission should be. As of now, the goal is to find the best way for SJE to help address the current housing crisis. We’re talking to current and past ministry members to find out what they loved about the program, what was hard, and what they think should happen. Next, SJE will reach out to potential partners to truly find what is best for our community and SJE’s commitment to solutions for permanent, affordable housing.

We thank Jill Thompson for her work in discerning options and her discussions with potential partners. St. John’s is grateful for her and the committee’s work in this time of pandemic.  


Creation Care

Lead: Johannah Frisby
Partner Group: Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light

The St. John’s Creation Care team is full of wonderful stewards who care deeply for the Earth and all who inhabit it. 2021 was our first full year working together since the pandemic brought our work to a halt. In coming together in new ways, we were able to identify how we want to take practical, systemic and relational action to have a holistic approach to climate justice. In 2021, we completed our relational goal of engaging with our community through shared recipes during the Farmers Market months. We are entering 2022 with a new sense of energy and enthusiasm about Care for Creation in all ways.


Social Justice

Lead: Jamie Bents

This year began with raising funds for Afghan refugees. Working with the Diocese, St. John’s raised funds for families coming into our area. Most came without anything. Funds were directed to housing, clothing, food, and education connections.

Respectfully submitted by Colleen Swope


The year 2021 brought new and exciting things for St. John’s music ministry, even as we continued virtually through the pandemic. 

Epiphanytide & Lent:

  • The parish choir and handbell ensemble continued to meet online via Zoom for lectures, presentations, rehearsals, prayer, and fellowship.
  • One highlight was guest lecturer Dr. Donelson-Nowicka presenting on Gregorian chants specifically for Palm Sunday and the Triduum. We look forward to hopefully having her back in the future. 


  • As spring arrived, the choir began meeting in-person again for the first time in over a year, outdoors in the church parking lot. We spread out, brought a keyboard lent to us by chorister Sarah Stengle, and even had “audience members” from the neighborhood who stopped while walking past to listen.
  • Compline moved from online to outdoors on the front steps of the church. Organ music was provided on occasion before and after the services with the front doors open so those in attendance could listen from outside. This continued through the fall.


  • The music commission worked on planning and restructuring for the coming year. Ultimately, we decided that we wanted our upcoming liturgical season in worship as well as the four events in the Winifred Bean Sacred Music Series to reflect the Episcopal Church in Minnesota (ECMN) Four Priorities set out by Bishop Loya.


  • The choir resumed in-person and indoor rehearsals, and enjoyed leading worship once again.
  • We welcomed three new volunteer members and  four new section leaders.
  • Out of an abundance of caution, we decided to move the choir to the back high altar, further away from the congregation. The singers and director continued to remain masked.
  • Our fall repertoire included music by female composers including Abbie Betinis and composers of color including André Thomas. It was important for the music ministry to tie in our desire to highlight more composers by minorities while tying them into our Anglican roots.
  • Our first Choral Evensong in two years occurred at the start of November. This was well attended by the choir members as well as congregation members. It was also our first event with the official formal collaboration of Dr. Dean Billmeyer as Organist in Residence of St. John the Evangelist. Dr. Billmeyer’s stellar musicianship including service playing, choral accompanying, and hymn improvisation greatly contributes to the quality of our major events where two leaders are needed (one conductor and one organist).


  • The Annual Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols was well attended by musicians and congregation members. It was also the return of the handbell ensemble after two years, led by Haley Olson. 
  • Choral compline resumed in-person as well and we extended invitations once again to ensembles with whom St. John’s is closely linked with: The Mirandola Ensemble, led by Nick Chalmers, and Lumina, led by Linda Kachlemeier. In addition, the St. John’s Compline Choir, led by Richard Gray, also led the daily office once a month. 
New Technologies

We now have the ability to livestream our worship services at a high professional level. This has allowed the choir to listen to themselves as well as increase their online presence on YouTube and Soundcloud.

It is important for a choir to have archives of specific works, pieces, chants, and hymns, and we are pleased that we now have these great memories and recordings from past collaborations that we have done.

It connects us with people near and far, families who are unable to attend in-person, and family members of choir members who may live out of state and the country. This is a significant step of connecting. 

As 2022 moves forward, the music ministry remains flexible, willing, and able to adjust at any time to the protocols that are put in place. We thank St. John’s for its significant support and encouragement as we continue to make music together.

Respectfully submitted by Richard Gray, Director of Music, and Ed Stieve, Chair, Music Commission

Spiritual Life

Spiritual Life remained active both online and in person throughout the year as we continued to adapt and adjust to the ongoing realities of Covid-19.

  • Demographic-specific groups like the Men’s Breakfast, LGBTQ+ group, Young Parents groups, Young(ish) Adults, Men’s Gathering, and more: some of these groups met solely online throughout the year while others took advantage of the declining infection rates and good weather for outdoor gatherings in person or indoor gatherings following St. John’s safety protocols.
  • Small Groups continued meeting with some groups disbursing and new groups forming. Our newest groups – the Parents of Small Children and Parents of Infants/Toddlers met a few times for social gatherings and conversations about spiritual life. All of these were welcome additions to our life in faith as members report feelings of joy and gratitude to be able to see one another, even if only on a screen, and especially, when possible, in person.
  • A small OWLs (Older, Wiser Laity) gathering was held at the beginning of the program year in the fall, and OWLs cards have gone out throughout the year with art by parishioners.
  • The Thursday Book Group continues to garner a lot of participation as the group continues to tackle books that intersect with issues of race and justice, having just recently completed Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents and now reading The Night Watchman.
  • Spiritual Life is also coalescing into a formal committee with representatives of each demographic and interest group being invited to recurring meetings to discuss overall topics of discipleship, spiritual life, and ways we can support the spiritual growth and development of all our members.
  • Finally, this was a year of transition for Spiritual Life, with Dave Embree stepping off of the committee and Lea Anne Schmidt taking over the role of chair. We are grateful for Dave’s contributions and delighted by Lea Anne’s extensive work already at St. John’s with New Members, OWLs, and more.

Respectfully submitted by the Rev. Jered Weber-Johnson, Rector

Member Ministry

Despite pandemic times, St. John’s has continued to be active. God’s Grace can be seen in the resiliency and adaptability of our community as we continue to engage in the safest ways possible, with Member Ministry being no exception. In fact, a lot of things have come to pass this past year:

  • This past July I was hired as Coordinator of Member Ministries, a slight change to the Invite, Welcome, Connect ministry that you may be accustomed to. More on that shortly, but first I’d like to share a few things
  • This fall St. John’s was privileged to welcome 5 new families (7 individuals) into our parish; a fairly significant increase from this past spring which recorded that we welcomed two individuals. That’s a total of 7 families welcomed in the year of 2021!
  • In July, St John’s returned to having in-person services, along with having an online option. Since then, we have had more than 20 people sign either our in-person or online visitor’s guest book. This, of course, doesn’t include the numerous guests we’ve worshipped with that chose to attend simply for their, and God’s, delight. In fact, while the majority of our parishioners enjoyed our Lessons and Carols service online, we had more reservations from visitors than members in-person!
  • When I joyfully accepted my role at St. John’s, it was nothing short of divine inspiration that guided me orchestrate an innovative change from solely New Member Ministry, which focuses on Mary Parmer’s Invite, Welcome, Connect model of ministry, to a holistically focused Member Ministry. This change encompasses connection and sustained engagement  for all of the parishioners of St. John’s, not just our new members and visitors.
  • With the time and resources available so far, this change has included being in charge of online engagement for our online broadcasted services, as well as taking over parish announcements during our Sunday services.
  • Future goals include implementing a space for regular safe, open forums for spiritual discussions and conversation with clergy, laypersons, and visitors who would like to learn more about spirituality; and working with parishioners, clergy, and administration to synthesize a path which includes navigating the future of our Church with technology and our upcoming generations.
  • Lastly, I share my excitement in my future work with Barb Tani, our recently announced vestry liaison. 

Respectfully submitted by Cameron Williams


Good Afternoon All,

This year has been an interesting one. We continued with the internal facelift of St. John’s, but also had projects that concentrated on the exterior and boilers. Before I run through a list of the year’s accomplishments I am excited to give a wholehearted hello to Brad Smith. Thank you for being here to carry the torch for the property committee. (In my first year here, it was Brad Smith who helped me put up the Kent Street sign.)

This is the list of big issues that were accomplished for 2021:

  • Parking lot refresh: Trimmed back landscaping and re-woodchipped. Julia and Libby (from the Building Committee) did a wonderful job getting rid of the dogwoods. They were able to have Aidan and Henry come out to do more work with us. A lot of compliments from the neighborhood about the parking lots’ new look.
  • Repainting with a high-traffic paint that has a longer life expectancy: All three kitchenette, the Fireside Room, and the main hallway.
  • Teardown inspection of the boilers: We have had issues with the boilers running properly over the past two years. They were able to find a few issues that needed to be addressed. In October they returned to set up the boilers.
  • Heating system parts were replaced: a valve in Sarah’s office, a compressor motor, and an actuator running the heat to the rector’s and associate rector’s offices.

Thank you very much for your time. 2022 has already gotten off to an interesting start.

Respectfully submitted by Scott Jungbauer


The ongoing pandemic focused the Building Committee’s 2021 agenda on ways St John’s could accommodate the congregation safely, including reviewing plans for high-tech streaming technology to be integrated with our beloved traditional architecture. To maximize the potential for open-air worship and other gatherings, Committee members were involved in discussing and overseeing projects to facilitate enjoyment of existing gardens and addition of new ones. Even when the pandemic does not require, and weather permits, these projects can expand appropriate and creative use of our parking lot and northern garden to provide opportunities for outreach to the neighborhood and variety for our congregation.

Respectfully submitted by Julia Ferguson and Libby Snelson

2022 Pledgers

Thank you to those who have pledged to support our mission in 2022:

Allen, Kathryn
Andrew, Shelley & Vijay
Arndt, Kim
Ashcroft, Ernie & Bette
Bailey, Cara
Baumann, Bob & Sherfey, Bill
Baxter, Sarah
Beattie, Rob & Cammie
Bents, Jamie & Mike
Berndt, Fred & Sylvia
Berry, Brett & Jessica
Bertheau, Cindy
Birkeland, Karen
Bishop, Waveney
Black, Nathan
Borreson, Diane
Bowman, Beth
Bradley, Philip
Bressoud, David & Jan
Brown, Martin & Kathy
Brynteson, Pat
Brynteson, Richard
Cadwell, Marvin & Sue
Chatt, Karen & Brian
Chen, Jeff
Church, Caroline & Merkl, Will
Clark, Jay
Clark, Tony
Clary, Brad
Colton, Josh & Tisha
Cooey, Paula & Nichols, Philip
Cook, Ed & Monica
Cramblit, Mackenzie
Dailey, Mary Ann
Day, Richard & Paula
Debertin, Jay & Becky
Dexter, Margaret
Diehl, Janet
Dinovo, Terrance
Docherty, John & Conklin, Marilyn
Drew, Alden & Pollard, Mimie
Dull, Sarah
Ebeling, Linda
Ek, Dorothy
Evans, Tom (Edward)
Fahnhorst, Sean & Lindsey
Fernstrum, Wendy
Fishel, Teresa
Fox, Andrew
Frisby, Phyllis
Garceau, Michael & Sarah
Gemlo, Brett & Snelson, Libby
Gilbertson, Peter & Mary
Gjerde, Aaron & Amy
Gray, Richard
Gregory, Christine
Gross, Richard
Grundhauser, Tony & Cathy
Hadley, Rae
Hagstrom, Gary & Paige
Hansen, Owen
Hargens, Gar & Thompson, Missy
Harkcom, Ruby
Hebberger, Jo Anna
Henneman, Mark & Terri
Hertz, Lynn
Hillsley, Nell
Hogan, Emily & Josh
Hogstad, Emily
Holmquist, Christine
Jackson, Mary Ann
Janeczko, Juanita
Jeffery, Michele & George
Johnson, Jim & Jones, Lucy
Johnson, Mary & Hartmann, Lynn
Johnson, Paul & Sarah
Johnson, Pauline
Johnson, Todd & Alice
Keillor, Carrie
Kinkead, George & Jennifer
Klein, Allan
Kochevar, Laura
Koops, Jenny
Koroma, Wuyah Vivian
Koshy, Jayan & Benji
Krall, Andrew & Anneke
Lahaie, Myka
Lautenshlager, Gil
Lawyer, John
Lemming, Craig
Lightner, Nan
Lindeke, Linda
Lindeke, Liz
Linehan, Bob
Longley, Deborah & Lucy, Andrew
Lorenz, Gail
Lottsfeldt, Josephine
Lundberg, Jonathan & Eliza
MacIntosh, Sue
Mairs, Dusty
Matter, Christopher & Rianna
May, Michael
McCarthy, Edwin & Susan
McDonald, Malcolm
McInroy, Mark & Suzanne
Merrill, Phyllis
Michaels, Stephen & Helen
Miller, Latham
Mosso, Karen
Mraz, Barbara
Murakami, Tom & Patti
Myers, Betty
Nicholson, Ford & Catherine
Olsen, Jeff & Peggy
Olson, Rick & Wendy
O’Pray, Lynette & Denis
Palmer, Lyelle
Parish, Michael
Parsons, Bradford & Dyanne
Pfalz, Patty Byrne
Postema, Don & Lawrence, Gabrielle
Power, George & Diane
Ragland, Susie & Larry
Resch, Richard and Sandy
Rhodes, Beth
Rinkoff, Rick & Ferguson, Julia
Rosendale, Peter & Jennifer
Russ, Kevin & Kelly
Russell, Anne & Peters, Merrell
Rutledge, Edward & Ellingson, Lacey
Ryan, James
Sailors, Shirley
Sand, Sally
Schmidt, Patrick & Lea Anne
Seymour, McNeil
Smith, Bradner H. & O’Brien, Laura
Smith, J. Bradner
Smith-Boyer, Helen
Snowfield, Barbara
Solid, Emily & Craig
Sommer, Stephanie & Spencer, Stephen
Southwick, Judy
Stack, Judy
Stieve, Edwin & Paier, Otto
Stoerker, Holly
Stoltenberg, Philip & Jessica
Stuhlfeier, Karen & Cygan, Walter
Sturtz, Linda & Robertson, James
Sutton, Elaine
Swanson, Annette
Sweigert, Cynthia
Swope, Charles & Colleen
Tani, Barbara
Teisberg, Eloise
Tessier, Meredith & Andrew
Thompson, John & Jill
Tianen, Jennifer
Tiedemann-Richards, Bill and Michael
Torrence, Gregory
Vogel, Daniel
Voje, Patty
Wagner Sherer, Madeleine
Wall, Kevin & Michelle
Watkins, Ellie
Weber-Johnson, Jered & Erin
Weber-Johnson, Jude
Weber-Johnson, Simon Henri
Weinkauf, Don & Holly
Welsh, Tim & Liz
Wilson, Roger & Ginny
Woelfel, Jerry & Becky
Wurtmann, Elisabeth
Zurakowski, Tamara

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St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
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