Listening at St. John’s

Our parish vestry unanimously voted to begin a process of discernment for a potential capital campaign. This process comes in three stages: listening, feasibility, and then the campaign itself. This first listening phase, lasting approximately three months, will provide us with a unique opportunity to gather important information from each of you.

Our process stems from the capital reserve study completed several years ago. Beyond working to repair and maintain the physical structure of our historic buildings and grounds over the coming decades, we hope and believe this process will unearth ways in which we can also better deploy our space for the mission and ministry of God in our neighborhood. At this point, then, we are in full dreaming mode. From maintenance of our boiler and irreplaceable Skinner organ, to an improved parish hall, and updated staff working space, even kitchen renovations–everything is on the table!

To faithfully engage in this process, we knew we needed outside help and expertise. A discernment team composed of members of staff, vestry, and the finance committee (Holly Weinkauf, Jered Weber-Johnson, Sally Sand, Rick Rinkoff, Sarah Dull, and Bette Ashcroft) were approved by vestry to help us listen, set goals, and discern where God might be calling us. The team received six proposals, both local and national, large and small firms, and interviewed the top three.

We introduce you to Vandersall Collective, a woman- and queer-owned, and faith-based, firm. They were chosen because of their outstanding track record, inclusive approach, commitment to values-based work, and a comprehensive range of supportive services.

In the coming weeks, vestry and lay leaders will be on retreat with two of our consultants, Mieke Vandersall and Tim Anderson, where we will explore our money narratives and how God might be calling us in this moment for both repair of our physical building and repair of the communities we are called to serve.

Principal Consultant Mieke Vandersall: read her bio here >>

Consultant Tim Anderson: read his bio here >>

After this retreat, we will launch a survey to gather your direct feedback. We will ask you about your hopes, dreams and initial thoughts. We hope you will be open and candid. Your ideas, concerns, and priorities are of great interest and importance to us and to this process!

St. John’s leadership is committed to the same openness and transparency in communication that we ask of you. As we collectively invite and entrust the Spirit’s guidance in this work, thank you for your generosity of time and experience.

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[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
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