We have developed a more efficient schedule for the Church Office that we believe will serve everyone’s needs while minimizing demands on payroll and volunteers. Going forward, these will be the hours that the Office is open:
Sunday – Office open 8am-Noon
Monday – Office open 9am-4pm
Tuesday – Office Closed/Staff Day
Wednesday – Office open 9am-4pm
Thursday – Office Closed/Remote Workday
Friday – Office open 9am-4pm
Saturday – Office Closed/Staff Sabbath
We need volunteers to staff the office on Fridays. There will be training and support. This is a great way to help, to reconnect with your St. John’s community, and to practice Jesus’ ministry of “being with.” If you are interested, or have any questions, contact Sarah Dull.
Finally, it’s important to remember our current building protocols. Click here to read and refresh yourself on them.