
Joint Guest Preachers for February 25

The Rev. Dr. Dorothy White and the Rev. Katie Ernst, preaching at our Racial Healing Eucharist to celebrate the consecration of Bishop Barbara Harris and the life of Anna Julia Haywood Cooper.

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Sermon by the Rev. Cynthia Bronson Sweigert

“Many women and men say that Mary, at least as often portrayed, is much too passive. I understand this thinking because I often feel the same way. The Magnificat, the Song of Mary, is not one of those portrayals.”

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Heidi J. Kim: Feast of King Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma of Hawai’i

We might want to glamorize or glorify the legacy of King Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma, even as their descendants live with the consequences of a racist form of capitalist exploitation of the natural resources that were a sacred source of life for the original inhabitants of that land. How can we hold all these stories on this feast day, appreciating how Kamehameha and Emma lived, ruled, and worshipped, while also acknowledging the cultural genocide that has impacted their people? How might we find absolution and forgiveness? How and when will we turn to a new way?

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A Sermon by Jenny Koops

The sheepfold stands in contrast to the reality in which we live, where we
are told that we cannot rest, because there isn’t and never will be enough,
that we must always keep working for more and more and more. But the
sheepfold is a place of rest that God is calling us to, to lie down in green
pastures as we read in psalm 23, and taking time to rest in our physical
sacred spaces like the one we are in today, helps not only reinvigorate us
to go back out into the world to share and invite others into God’s abundance, but also to center us in God’s love so that we may hear and
know God’s voice when we are called.

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Sermon Honoring Harriet Tubman

Who are you in spite of, or because of your fragility? from your weakness what are you being called to do? Are you stagnant in your comfort and ease? The work of justice does not wait for us to be perfectly healthy, well, and stable. Sometimes it simply calls us to ask questions, search for what is right, and knock on doors of possibility. The true legacy of Harriett Tubman is not what she overcame, but what she dared do in the face of all that plagued her body and attempted to squash her spirit. Fragility and discomfort are no longer acceptable excuses for complacency.

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 Transformed by Worship, to Transform the World

A sermon by the Rev. Chelsea Stanton:
“…it’s up to us to decide who we want to be in the future. Do we want to be a community where only one kind of person fits? Where we uphold traditions that were invented to exclude and abuse? Or a place where everyone can feel welcome? I think it’s not a stretch to say we would all say the latter. Now we need to work to make it real. That’s how we will be holy. That’s how we take our mountaintop experiences in worship and move them into real life.”

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Unexpected Prophets

Do you know anyone you consider to be a prophet in your life? Someone who speaks with the voice of God in your life? Someone who speaks the voice of truth to you in your life? Or perhaps you have experienced a prophetic moment in your life. Today’s Gospel begs the question: From whom are we willing to recognize and accept prophecy? Recognize and accept the voice of God in our lives?

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Honoring Florence Li Tim-Oi

Each of us can hardly know how saying “Yes” to the Spirit’s beckoning will play out. If the Spirit does not seem to be beckoning and calling you, I say pray more, discern deeper, listen harder. I’m fairly certain the Spirit is calling you. Maybe you’re in a situation like how Li Tim-Oi described herself, “Being naughty, and not wanting to listen.”

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