
“So many of you really have your eyes open. Open to the needs of this community and the community beyond our doors. Open to our many blessings. Open to our weaknesses and potential threats. Open to the opportunities and potential we have to further God’s love in our world.”

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“Therefore, it is not surprising to me that at the same time I have been unable to breathe freely I have become emotionally and spiritually unmoored. It does feel as though God will not let me get my breath; not just withholding physical nourishment but God’s very spirit within me.”

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As a Choir Member…

Singing in the choir brings us unexplainable joy and an emotional fulfillment which is difficult to put into words. It also gives us community and the chance for spiritual union with our fellow choir members and congregants.

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[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
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