Visit the E-vangelist

Epistles and Epiphanies is no longer being updated. We have moved our blog posting to The E-vangelist, St. John’s online magazine. Click here to be

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Lent Offerings

Worship Racial Healing Eucharist Palm Sunday, March 24 at 8am and 10am Celebrating Óscar Romero and the Martyrs of El Salvador, with guest preacher the

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Women’s Group

Additional photos from the Spring Brunch In 2022 the Episcopal Church in Minnesota passed a resolution restating the wider Episcopal Church’s position supporting Reproductive Rights

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Summer at St. John’s

Children, Youth, and Families Ice Cream “Sundays”Sunday, June 18 and Sunday, August 27 at 11am in the Parking LotIce cream and other frozen treats will

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We are a vibrant community that finds great joy in being together on our journey of faith. At St. John’s, where two or three are

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eGiving Sign up for eGiving today! Click the “Sign In” tab below to log in or register a new account. Then click the “Recurring” tab

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A Sermon by the Rev. Jered Weber-Johnson on September 18, 2022

Around the world as here at home, the flow of goods, means, monies, and resources, is stopped up and held in stagnant pools. And, while there are exceptions that prove the rule, the church has largely left this process unquestioned and unchecked, benefiting and profiting from it as we have over the millennia. We have ignored the very teachings of Jesus which envisions and hopes for a world where resources and money are not accumulated but distributed. Where the flow of health and wealth isn’t directed at the followers of Jesus and the church that purports to follow in his name, but rather passes through us and out to a world desperately in need of healing and hope.

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A sermon by the Rev. Jered Weber-Johnson on September 4th, 2022

The costs of following Jesus include all we possess, and all we hold dear. But like a mother concerned for her children, Jesus seems to believe that the old ways, the ways of neighbor love and welcoming the stranger, the ways of treating everything as gift instead of possession, the ways of grace and peace, are ways worth passing along, worth giving our lives over to. Choose these ways, he is saying. Choose life.

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[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
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