What Season is it? Growing and Gathering!
“The groundswell of folks who have ideas for new ways to connect feels like a move of the Spirit, God responding to the cries of God’s people.”
Welcome to the Church of the Open Door.
Come and join us as we grow in love for God
and one another.
St. John’s Spiritual Life Groups nurture the spirit in intentional communities.
In the wider community, we advocate for hunger relief, safe housing, and accessible health services. We pursue our mission through local and global partnerships, personal service, supportive prayer, and financial contributions.
We believe God is revealed in many ways, primarily through Scripture, the wisdom of the church and its history, and our own reason and experience. These are the “tools” we use to search for God.
Wherever you may be in your spiritual journey, we welcome you!
The music program at St. John’s engages people of all ages in a wide range of musical possibilities. Our ensembles provide a sense of belonging, a place where people care about one another. Together we discover what it means to sing and rejoice in the Lord through music.
The ministry of pastoral care is shared by every member of our parish. As Christians in community, we care for one another.
St. John’s ongoing impact relies on you — our parishioners — to commit time, talent, and financial support, to sustain the ministries that improve the lives of our members and the communities we support.
We are so glad you found your way to St John the Evangelist Episcopal Church. Whether you are a long time Episcopalian or have never stepped foot in a church, we welcome you!
“The groundswell of folks who have ideas for new ways to connect feels like a move of the Spirit, God responding to the cries of God’s people.”
“Our deep longing is for the kind of friendships where we feel supported, valued, and seen for who we are—something we rarely experience and that may seem unattainable.”
“Beyond the music, which I absolutely love, one of the things I really like about St. John’s is the commitment to service and engagement with the community.”
“Chris’s degree is in art and they’re usually working on some creative artistic project. ‘I’ve also been a fantasy geek for a long time—currently very interested in Tolkein, if anyone wants to talk about that.’”
“Anne is a lifelong Episcopalian. She ran into Sue Mercier at Marvella where they live and discovered they were both Episcopalians. Sue had been attending St. John’s and invited Anne to join her.”
“Heidi was looking for an LGBTQ+ affirming church and came across the Episcopal denomination. They decided to stay at St John’s and become a member because of the thriving community and the enthusiastic, diverse congregation.”
“Sue came to St. John’s through checking out the online broadcasts of services of various churches in the Twin Cities. She appreciated the beauty and comfort of our services as well as the music.”
“Baptisms and weddings publicly solemnify (to use a fancy church word) things that could be private commitments (to raise a child in the faith, to be in a committed loving relationship).
The rituals of reception and confirmation are similar. Like a wedding ceremony, they are public acts that create a new relational reality–one that not simply reflects the interior reality, but makes it publicly manifest in a special way.”
“The moment I stepped through the door into the sanctuary I loved it. I felt at home.”
Copyright © 2020 St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
Map & Directions