It’s been a tough week on the national scene, regardless of your politics, and with winter arriving prematurely, holidays looming, and the daily challenges that face us all, self-care (never sure completely what that is) is mandatory.

So I am vowing to replace some of the omnipresent political chatter that I allow into my consciousness with music: In my office, in my car, in my heart. I’m even singing a little more, as my tortured cat Finley will attest.

At least I’m trying to try.

When I first looked at the lessons for tomorrow, I could only ask “Really? Really?” One commentary said that it seems they’re trying to scare us to death! At this point the sermon will only be moderately scarey…and at the end there will be what we call “a sermon response hymn” (which Richard generously agreed to add) and it is lovely.

I don’t know about you, but I could use a dose of “lovely”.

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[email protected]
60 Kent St N, St. Paul, MN 55102-2232
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