We should be rigorous in judging ourselves and gracious in judging others.”

John Wesley.


I saw this on an online site called “The Weird Preacher.”  Usually there is good stuff here but this gave me pause.  It’s certainly not the prevailing wisdom of the day. Now we are encouraged to try and feel good about ourselves, have more confidence, and celebrate our accomplishments.

At least that’s the word for women who are often too hard on themselves. Yet I also don’t know many men who are “rigorous in judging themselves.” Certainly not our federal leadership!

However, this is the message of Sunday’s Gospel. The Tax Collector has no mercy for himself (well, he is a real swindler) while the Pharisee sings his own praises in healthy 21stcentury style, yet Jesus is very displeased with him.

Of course, there’s more to the story than this but I know that in this story the Pharisee is my guy (as Elisha was Craig’s “guy” two weeks ago).  Scripturally incorrect, but there it is.

Society is relentless in demanding we prove ourselves and often we all take the bait.  Hard to believe we don’t have to.

More on Sunday as we talk about the quaint, antique idea of “humility.”

See you in church.



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